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Expert Working Groups (EWG)

GFMER Global Consultation on WHO Infertility Guidelines
EWG: Female subfertility work-up

The EWG Female subfertility work-up focuses on the diagnosis of female infertility and will address the investigation of suspected sperm-mucus interaction defects, the investigation of suspected endometriosis, the investigation of suspected tubal and uterine abnormalities, the investigation of suspected ovulatory disorders, including ovarian reserve testing, and additional investigations in the woman, especially those targeting at the diagnosis of unexplained subfertility. We will take cultural, social, economical and religious issues into account.

Hans Evers
Chair, EWG Female subfertility work-up

Chair: Hans Evers (Netherlands)




Population Intervention Comparator Outcome (PICO):
Being developed to find the evidence in order to determine if a Recommendation on best practice can be made by the World Health Organization concerning the following topic.


(P = Women of reproductive age – which will include various exclusion or inclusion criteria)

Should WHO develop a recommendation concerning:

  1. which serum measurement tests should be performed and are most effective in evaluating a woman with irregular or absent menses?
  2. which pelvic ultrasound measurements should be performed and are most effective in evaluating a women with irregular or absent menses?
  3. the procedures required to diagnose for uterine abnormality: adenomyosis?
  4. the procedures required to diagnose for uterine abnormality: myomas? (fibroids)
  5. the measurements and procedures required to evaluate tubal pathology?
  6. a) the serum measurement tests that should be performed and are most effective in evaluating ovarian reserve in a woman with subfertility
    b) the serum measurement tests that should be performed and are most effective in evaluating ovarian reserve in a woman with subfertility who is approaching ART treatment and using her own oocytes?
  7. a) the pelvic ultrasound methods that should be performed and are most effective in evaluating ovarian reserve in a woman with subfertility?
    b) the pelvic ultrasound methods that should be performed and are most effective in evaluating ovarian reserve in a woman with subfertility who is approaching ART treatment and using her own oocytes?
  8. the sperm parameters that should be measured in the male partners of women with subfertility to evaluate potential male subfertility?
  9. the measurements and tests required to evaluate sperm-mucus interaction defects?
  10. the best mechanism (of exclusion) that is required to reach a diagnosis of “unexplained subfertility?”