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Alphabetical index of GFMER pages - M

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Maca (Lepidium meyenii) - Open access articles

Macrocytic anemia

Madagascar - Facultés de Médecine / Medical Schools - Google Maps

Magued Adel Aziz Mikhail - Southport & Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust, Merseyside, U.K.

Maia Chiokadze - Curriculum vitae

Maia Chiokadze - Medical-Diagnostic Center "Microgen", Tbilisi, Georgia

Main regulators of angiogenesis and their role in preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction

Making pregnancy safer

Making pregnancy safer. Evidence-based practice guidelines for maternal and newborn health care

Making pregnancy safer. Strategic directions

Malaria and pregnancy

Malaria in pregnancy

Malaria in pregnancy : Guidelines

Malawi - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Malaysia - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Male and female immunologic infertility (slide presentation)

Male and female sexual disorders

Male circumcision and HIV prevention: research influencing action

Male contraception

Male contraception, men and family planning

Male contraception: recent developments

Male genital diseases

Male genital infections

Male genital neoplasms

Male hypogonadism, andropause

Male infertility

Male infertility and environmental factors

Male infertility treatment

Male infertility: aspects of surgical treatment

Male osteoporosis

Male reproductive health research needs and research agenda: Asian and Pacific perspective

Male sexual disorders

Male urogenital tract

Mali - Facultés de Médecine / Medical Schools - Google Maps

Malta - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Management of breast cancer during pregnancy

Management of genital tuberculosis

Management of preeclampsia complicated by HELLP syndrome (slide presentation)

Management of premalignant lesions and micro-invasive cervical cancer

Management of the infertile couple

Management of tubal infertility

Management of tubal obstructions

Management of vesico and/or recto-vaginal fistulae at Bugando Medical Centre, Mwanza, Tanzania, East Africa: A retrospective study (slide presentation)

Managing behavioral risks

María Valeria Bahamondes Makuch - Curriculum vitae

María Valeria Bahamondes Makuch - Study coordinator in family planning at the University of Campinas, Brazil

Marloes Schoonheim - Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Maroc - Facultés de Médecine / Morocco - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Marshall Islands - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Mastitis : Guidelines

Material on CD-ROM, DVD, or disk: standard citations - National Library of Medicine (NLM) style

Material on the Internet: standard citations - National Library of Medicine (NLM) style

Maternal age and fetal loss

Maternal and neonatal infections

Maternal and newborn mortality and morbidities. The silent Tsunamis

Maternal and perinatal research

Maternal and Umbilical Cord Plasma Renin Activity in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

Maternal anthropometry and pregnancy outcomes : A review

Maternal blood screening, non-invasive prenatal testing

Maternal morbidity

Maternal mortality and morbidity

Maternal mortality: Guidelines

Maternal Mortality in Maroua Provincial Hospital, Cameroon (2003–2005)

Maternal mortality in Zimbabwe

Maternal mortality (slide presentation)

Maternal near miss

Maternal Neonatal and Child Health (MNCH) Integrated Package

Maternal obesity and gestational diabetes: Protocol for systematic review

Maternal weight gain in twin pregnancy

Maternity services

Mauritania - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Mauritius - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Measurement in epidemiology: Frequency, association, and impact

Measurement of bone mass

Measurement of quality of health services provided for adolescents

Measurement, risk, burden and outcome

Measuring costs related to the provision of health services for young people

Measuring Equity for Reproductive Health Services

Measuring maternal mortality

Measuring quality coverage and cost of services for adolescents

Measuring the coverage of health services for young people

Mechanism of Action of Mifepristone and Levonorgestrel for Emergency Contraception

Mechanisms of apoptosis in spermatogenesis

Meconium aspiration syndrome

Medical education

Medical education, medical libraries : Free medical journals

Medical imaging, radiology, nuclear medicine : Free medical journals

Medical links

Medical schools : Afghanistan

Medical schools : Africa

Medical schools : Albania

Medical schools : Algeria

Medical schools : Andorra

Medical schools : Angola

Medical schools : Anguilla

Medical schools : Antigua and Barbuda

Medical schools : Argentina

Medical schools : Armenia

Medical schools : Asia

Medical schools : Australia

Medical schools : Austria

Medical schools : Azerbaijan

Medical schools : Bahamas

Medical schools : Bahrain

Medical schools : Bangladesh

Medical schools : Barbados

Medical schools : Belarus

Medical schools : Belgium

Medical schools : Belize

Medical schools : Benin

Medical schools : Bhutan

Medical schools : Bolivia

Medical schools : Bosnia and Herzegovina

Medical schools : Botswana

Medical schools : Brazil

Medical schools : Brunei Darussalam

Medical schools : Bulgaria

Medical schools : Burkina Faso

Medical schools : Burundi

Medical schools : Cabo Verde

Medical schools : Cambodia

Medical schools : Cameroon

Medical schools : Canada

Medical schools : Central African Republic

Medical schools : Chad

Medical schools : Chile

Medical schools : China

Medical schools : Colombia

Medical schools : Comoros

Medical schools : Congo

Medical schools : Cook Islands

Medical schools : Costa Rica

Medical schools : Côte d'Ivoire

Medical schools : Croatia

Medical schools : Cuba

Medical schools : Cyprus

Medical schools : Czech Republic

Medical schools : Democratic Republic of Congo

Medical schools : Denmark

Medical schools : Djibouti

Medical schools : Dominica

Medical schools : Dominican Republic

Medical schools : Ecuador

Medical schools : Egypt

Medical schools : El Salvador

Medical schools : Equatorial Guinea

Medical schools : Eritrea

Medical schools : Estonia

Medical schools : Eswatini

Medical schools : Ethiopia

Medical schools : Europe

Medical schools : Federated States of Micronesia

Medical schools : Fiji

Medical schools : Finland

Medical schools : France

Medical schools : Gabon

Medical schools : Gambia

Medical schools : Georgia

Medical schools : Germany

Medical schools : Ghana

Medical Schools - Google Maps

Medical schools : Greece

Medical schools : Grenada

Medical schools : Guatemala

Medical schools : Guinea

Medical schools : Guinea-Bissau

Medical schools : Guyana

Medical schools : Haiti

Medical schools : Honduras

Medical schools : Hungary

Medical schools : Iceland

Medical schools : India

Medical schools : Indonesia

Medical schools : Irak

Medical schools : Iran

Medical schools : Ireland

Medical schools : Israel

Medical schools : Italy

Medical schools : Jamaica

Medical schools : Japan

Medical schools : Jordan

Medical schools : Kazakhstan

Medical schools : Kenya

Medical schools : Kiribati

Medical schools : Kuwait

Medical schools : Kyrgyzstan

Medical schools : Lao People's Democratic Republic

Medical schools : Latvia

Medical schools : Lebanon

Medical schools : Lesotho

Medical schools : Liberia

Medical schools : Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Medical schools : Lithuania

Medical schools : Luxembourg

Medical schools : Madagascar

Medical schools : Malawi

Medical schools : Malaysia

Medical schools : Maldives

Medical schools : Mali

Medical schools : Malta

Medical schools : Marshall Islands

Medical schools : Mauritania

Medical schools : Mauritius

Medical schools : Mexico

Medical schools : Middle East

Medical schools : Moldova

Medical schools : Monaco

Medical schools : Mongolia

Medical schools : Morocco

Medical schools : Mozambique

Medical schools : Myanmar

Medical schools : Namibia

Medical schools : Nauru

Medical schools : Nepal

Medical schools : New Zealand

Medical schools : Nicaragua

Medical schools : Niger

Medical schools : Nigeria

Medical schools : Niue

Medical schools : North America

Medical schools : North Korea

Medical schools : North Macedonia

Medical schools : Norway

Medical schools : Oceania

Medical schools : Oman

Medical schools : Pakistan

Medical schools : Palau

Medical schools : Palestine

Medical schools : Panama

Medical schools : Papua New Guinea

Medical schools : Paraguay

Medical schools : Peru

Medical schools : Philippines

Medical schools : Poland

Medical schools : Portugal

Medical schools : Puerto Rico

Medical schools : Qatar

Medical schools : Romania

Medical schools : Russia

Medical schools : Rwanda

Medical schools : Saint Kitts and Nevis

Medical schools : Saint Lucia

Medical schools : Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Medical schools : Samoa

Medical schools : San Marino

Medical schools : Sao Tome and Principe

Medical schools : Saudi Arabia

Medical schools : Senegal

Medical schools : Seychelles

Medical schools : Sierra Leone

Medical schools : Singapore

Medical schools : Slovakia

Medical schools : Slovenia

Medical schools : Solomon Islands

Medical schools : Somalia

Medical schools : South Africa

Medical schools : South America

Medical schools : South Korea

Medical schools : South Sudan

Medical schools : Spain

Medical schools : Sri Lanka

Medical schools : Sudan

Medical schools : Suriname

Medical schools : Sweden

Medical schools : Switzerland

Medical schools : Syria

Medical schools : Taiwan

Medical schools : Tajikistan

Medical schools : Tanzania

Medical schools : Thailand

Medical schools : The Netherlands

Medical schools : Timor-Leste

Medical schools : Togo

Medical schools : Tonga

Medical schools : Trinidad and Tobago

Medical schools : Tunisia

Medical schools : Turkey

Medical schools : Turkmenistan

Medical schools : Tuvalu

Medical schools : Uganda

Medical schools : Ukraine

Medical schools : United Arab Emirates

Medical schools : United Kingdom

Medical schools : United States of America

Medical schools : Uruguay

Medical schools : Uzbekistan

Medical schools : Vanuatu

Medical schools : Venezuela

Medical schools : Vietnam

Medical schools : Yemen

Medical schools : Yugoslavia

Medical schools : Zambia

Medical schools : Zimbabwe

Medical schools, ministries of health, national medical associations

Medical services set to improve with e-system - Vientiane Times

Medical statistics

Medical termination of first trimester pregnancy

Medical treatment of male infertility

Medications and breastfeeding

Medications in pregnancy

Meena Cabral de Mello - GFMER Coordinator of Early Childhood Development

Meeting of the WHO Reproductive Health Library Technical Working Group at the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Meeting with representatives of Chinese dental schools at GFMER - September 2008

Meeting with representatives of Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Institute at WHO - April 2006

Meeting with representatives of March of Dimes at GFMER - April 2006

Meeting with representatives of Shanghai medical institutions at GFMER - July 2006

Meeting with representatives of the Shanghai Medical Association at GFMER - Versoix, 6 July 2011

Meeting with representatives of Taipei Cultural and Economic Delegation at GFMER - Versoix, 30 October 2009

Meeting with representatives of the International Institute of Restorative Reproductive Medicine at GFMER - March 2006

Meeting with representatives of the Shanghai Medical Association at GFMER - Versoix, 30 October 2009

Meeting with the Zhejiang Delegation at GFMER - Versoix, 27 November 2009

Members of the Beijing Hospital Delegation visiting the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research

Memorandum of understanding between the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research and the National Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Lahore, Pakistan

Mengistu's voice - The Voices of GFMER by Kerlène Volant

Menopausal programme in Thailand


Menopause and HRT in Malaysia

Menopause : Guidelines

Menopause in Hong-Kong

Menopause in Indonesia

Menopause in Japan

Menopause in the Philippines

Menopause in the Republic of Korea

Menopause in Vietnam

Menopause, hormone replacement therapy

Menopause, hormone replacement therapy: abnormal bleeding

Menopause, hormone replacement therapy, breast cancer

Menopause, hormone replacement therapy, cardiovascular disease

Menopause, hormone replacement therapy, mental disorders

Menopause, hormone replacement therapy: genitourinary syndrome, sexual disorders

Menopause, hormone replacement therapy: hot flashes, vasomotor symptoms

Menopause, perimenopause, postmenopause

Menopause: alternative therapy

Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle (2000)

Menstrual cycle - F.P. Pralong

Menstrual cycle disorders

Menstruation disturbances, female gonadal disorders

Metalloproteinases as a diagnostic tool of  Premature Rupture of Membranes?

Methodological issues in the measurement of chronic disease

Methodological issues in the measurement of maternal mortality and morbidity

Methodological issues in the measures of maternal morbidity/mortality

Methodological issues in the use of anthropometry for evaluation of nutritional status - M. Blössner (2004)

Methodological issues in the use of anthropometry for evaluation of nutritional status - M. Blössner (2005)

Methodological issues in the use of anthropometry for evaluation of nutritional status - M. de Onis

México - Facultades de Medicina / Medical Schools - Google Maps


Microbicides Research and Development: State of the Art

Micronesia - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Mifepristone and Levonorgestrel

Milestones for HPV vaccines introduction (HTM file)

Ministries of Health Search Engine - GFMER

Ministries of health worldwide

Mirella Smith - Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research


Mission report of the obstetric fistula surgical session in Tanguieta, Benin - 10-23 March 2010 - Charles-Henry Rochat

Mohamed Kandeel, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Menofyia University, Egypt - Curriculum vitae

Mobilization versus bed rest following embryo transfer (slide presentation)

Module 1: Anatomy of the cervix, squamocolumnar junction, metaplastic change and transformation zone

Module 2: Basic knowledge for cervical cancer screening using VIA, VILI and HPV test

Module 3: Treatment of VIA/VILI positive cases

Module 4: How to proceed

Mohamed Awad Ahmed Adam - Assistant professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum, Sudan

Mohamed Awad Ahmed Adam - Curriculum vitae

Mohamed Elhassan Abdalla - College of Medicine, University of Sharjah, Sudan

Mohammed Saqr - Assistant professor of medicine, Neurology unit, Qassim University, Buraydah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mohammed Saqr - Curriculum Vitae

Mohan Regmi - Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal

Moldova - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Molecular characterization of apoptosis induced by PDT: implication of tumor suppressor genes as prospective markers

Molecular diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases

Molluscum contagiosum

Mona Al Haj Hussain - Curriculum Vitae

Mona Al Haj Hussain - Pediatrician, Independent Consultant in Mother and Child Health, Damascus, Syria

Mongolia - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Monitoring caesarean section

Monitoring in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles

Monitoring or auscultation?

Monogenic Affections of the Gonadotrope Axis in Humans

Monogenic Affections of the Gonadotrope Axis in Humans : References

Monozygotic twinning

Montenegro - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Mother and Child in Italian Early Renaissance

Mother and Child in Italian High Renaissance

Mother and Child in Italian Mannerism

Mother and Child in Italian Renaissance and Mannerism

Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV (HTM file)

Mouse and human embryonic stem (ES) cells: cardiac differentiation and cell therapy of heart failure - Marisa Jaconi

Mozambique - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Multicentre study to prevent mother to child transmission of hepatitis B - WHO Geneva 2005

Multicentric international study to validate the digital inflection rigidometer in the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction

Multidisciplinary sciences : Free medical journals

Multiple pregnancy

Musculoskeletal diseases in pregnancy

Myanmar - Medical Schools - Google Maps

Mycology : Free medical journals

Myoungseok Han - Dong-A University College of Medicine, Busan, Republic of Korea