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Expert Working Groups (EWG)

GFMER Global Consultation on WHO Infertility Guidelines

Chair: André van Steirteghem (Belgium)




Population Intervention Comparator Outcome (PICO):
Being developed to find the evidence in order to determine if a Recommendation on best practice can be made by the World Health Organization concerning the following topic.


(P = women and men of reproductive age – questions may include exclusion or inclusion criteria)

Should WHO develop a recommendation concerning:

  1. the efficacy for the two most frequently used media systems for human embryo culture: sequential media versus single step media?
  2. whether culturing human embryos in low oxygen tension increases implantation potential and developmental competence?
  3. the efficacy for culturing human embryos singly or in groups?
  4. which single or combined parameters could be used to predict embryo competence.
  5. whether the day of transfer (i.e. duration of culture) can increase the efficiency of IVF/ICSI and reduce risks (multiple pregnancy).
  6. whether the number of embryos transferred can be individualized to optimize the balance between efficiency (pregnancy per transfer) and risks (multiple pregnancy)?
  7. whether assisted hatching of human embryos increases the probability of live birth?
  8. whether ICSI should be used routinely in couples with no evidence of male infertility?
  9. whether ICSI improves pregnancy rates and live birth rates in IVF for couples with unexplained infertility?
  10. whether ICSI improves pregnancy rates and live birth rates in IVF where the male partner is undergoing testicular sperm retrieval?
  11. whether ICSI improves pregnancy rates and live birth rates in IVF cycles with PGD, PGS or IVM?
  12. whether ICSI improves pregnancy rates and live birth rates in IVF cycles for couples with prior failed fertilization or expected low fertilization?
  13. whether ICSI improves pregnancy rates or live birth rates in IVF cycles for couples where the female partner has a low oocyte yield or advanced maternal age?
  14. whether ICSI improves pregnancy rates or live birth rates in IVF cycles with cryopreserved oocytes?
  15. whether single embryo transfer with cryopreservation of supernumerary embryos yields higher overall pregnancy rates and live birth rates compared with transfer of multiple fresh embryos?
  16. whether vitrification/warming of embryos yields superior embryo survival, pregnancy rates and live birth rates compared with slow freezing/thawing?
  17. whether vitrification/warming of mature oocytes yields superior embryo survival, pregnancy rates and live birth rates compared with slow freezing/thawing?
  18. whether vitrification/warming of donor oocytes yields superior embryo survival, pregnancy rates and live birth rates compared with slow freezing/thawing?