Training course in adolescent sexual and reproductive health 2021

Meeting the needs and fulfilling the rights of adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health for WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

Course coordinators
Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli (Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health & Research, WHO)
Jamela Al-Raiby (Department of Healthier Populations/ Child and Adolescent Health, WHO Regional Office for Eastern Mediterranean)

Collaborating partners: Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (GFMER) and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)

Course advisory group

  • Dr Mamdouh Wahba
    President, Egyptian Society for Adolescent Medicine, President Arab Coalition for Adolescent Health & Medicine, Vice-President, International Association for Adolescent Health
  • Dr Nafisa. M. Badri
    Professor in Reproductive & Women's Health, Assistant to the President for Quality Assurance, Accreditation & External Relations, Manager of the Gender & Reproductive Health & Rights Resource & Advocacy Center, Ahfad University for Women, Sudan
  • Dr Nadia Bezad
    President, Organisation Panafricaine de Lutte Contre le Sida, Morocco
  • Ms Sheena Hadi
    Executive Director, Aahung, Pakistan
  • Dr Ashraf Badar
    Founder & Chairman of Yamaan, Country Director of Marie Stopes International, Yemen

Objectives of the course

To build knowledge and understanding in the following areas:

  • The rationale for the provision of a package of effective health and social interventions to promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health, to prevent health and social problems, and to respond to them if and when they arise, with particular relevance to the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
  • WHO’s recommendations for the delivery of these interventions.
  • Special considerations in delivering these interventions to adolescents including in humanitarian settings and COVID 19 pandemic.

Introduction to the course

Topics to be covered in the course

  1. Comprehensive sexuality education provision
  2. Contraception counselling and provision
  3. Antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care
  4. Safe abortion care
  5. Sexually transmitted infections prevention and care
  6. HIV prevention and care
  7. Violence against women and girls: prevention, support and care
  8. Harmful traditional practices (child marriage and female genital mutilation) prevention and response

Approaches to ensuring the continuity of SRH information and service provision to adolescents in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic will be integrated into each module.

Course audience

Health professionals, paramedical staff, project planners and managers in health-related areas, advocates, government officials and social scientists from WHO EMRO countries.

Teaching-learning methods to be used in course

On each of the topic, the following items will be posted:

  • Two to three slide sets with accompanying talking points.
  • Two to three video presentations.
  • A set of 2-3 required reading documents.
  • An assignment.

Teaching language

The teaching language of the course is English.

What is required of you?

For each module, participants must:

  • Study the video presentations and slide sets.
  • Read all accompanying documents.
  • Complete the short assignment, after going through the slide set and documents.
  • Review the feedback provided by the coach.

Note: A personal coach will be assigned to each participant, whose role is to facilitate the course and serve as tutor.

Course validation and certificate

In-order to obtain the certificate:

  • Participants are required to have completed the short assignments that are part of each module.
  • Participants are required to complete and submit the end of course survey.

The successful participants will receive a certificate signed by the World Health Organisation’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research/Human Reproduction Programme and the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research.


  • The top ten participants will receive an additional certificate of commendation.
  • The top five participants will get a book for personal and professional development.

Course duration: 8 weeks

Course fee: USD 250

Important dates

Start date: 25 January 2021

End date: 21 March 2021

Application deadline: 11 January 2021

Payment deadline: 18 January 2021


To apply for the course, you should submit the completed application form and send the required enclosures by email to the course email address (

Click to access the Application form


Please send the following documents by email to the course email address.

  • A curriculum vitae, including sections on current and previous positions
  • A letter of motivation stating clearly your interests and reasons for applying to the Course (1 page / 500 words maximum).

Course email:


Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Chemin de Beau-Soleil 12
1206 Geneva - Switzerland
Skype: GFMER_admin