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Module 4

Safe abortion care

Training course in adolescent sexual and reproductive health 2021 for WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

February 15, 2021 - Geneva


  1. Watch the video presentation titled: Safe abortion care. Alternatively go over the slide set (slide set with talking points).
  2. Go over the journal paper titled: Lavelanet AF, Johnson BR, Ganatra B. Global Abortion Policies Database: A descriptive analysis of the regulatory and policy environment related to abortion. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2020 Jan;62:25-35.
  3. Go over the document titled: Medical abortion and self-managed abortion: Frequently asked questions on health and human rights (CRR and Ipas, 2020).
  4. Go over the journal paper titled: Hessini L. Abortion and Islam: policies and practice in the Middle East and North Africa. Reprod Health Matters. 2007 May;15(29):75-84.
  5. Go over the journal paper titled: Sharma AC, Dhillon J, Shabbir G, Lynam A. Notes from the field: political norm change for abortion in Pakistan. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters. 2019 May 31;27(2):126-32.
  6. Expert commentary - Afghanistan case study: Watch the video presentation.
  7. Submit your paperwork assignment. You will find the assignment for this week’s module at this link:

Reference documents