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Safe abortion care

Module 4

Safe abortion care


Training course in adolescent sexual and reproductive health 2021 for WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

February 15, 2021 - Geneva

Assignment (25 marks in total)

Answer the following questions using the clues provided to review the selected aspects of the relevant documents.

Global presentation

Question 1 (2.5 marks)

What are WHO’s recommendations on safe abortion care for adolescents?

Clue: Study page 28 of the WHO publication titled: WHO recommendations on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (WHO, 2018).

Question 2 (3 marks)

A 19 year-old girl has decided after counselling to have a medical abortion for an unintended pregnancy of 12 weeks. What is the WHO recommended medical abortion regimen in this situation? To prevent a repeat unintended pregnancy, when could this young woman be recommended an oral contraceptive?

Clue: Study pages xi, 25, and 32 of the WHO document titled: Medical Management of Abortion (WHO, 2018).

Global reading – 1

Lavelanet AF, Johnson BR, Ganatra B. Global Abortion Policies Database: A descriptive analysis of the regulatory and policy environment related to abortion. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2020 Jan;62:25-35.

Question 3 (5.5 marks)

3.1 What is the Global Abortion Policies Database?

Clue: Study the Methods section of the paper titled: Global Abortion Policies Database: A descriptive analysis of the regulatory and policy environment related to abortion (Lavelanet et al, 2020). (2.5 marks)

3.2 Review your country’s profile in the Global Abortion Policies Database. What strikes you most in relation to access (or lack thereof) to safe abortion care in your country? Why?

Clue: Visit the Global Abortion Policies Database, available at https://abortion-policies.srhr.org/ Select your country from the drop down orange bar that states “See Individual Country.” If your country is not available, please select another country in the region. (3 marks)

Global reading – 2

Center for Reproductive Rights (CRP); Ipas. Medical abortion and self-managed abortion: Frequently asked questions on health and human rights. CRP; 2020.

Question 4 (3 marks)

What is self-managed abortion? For whom does WHO recommend self-managed abortion? How safe is self-managed abortion?

Clue: Study pages 2 and 3 of the document titled: Medical abortion and self-managed abortion: Frequently asked questions on health and human rights (CRP, 2020).

Regional reading – 1

Hessini L. Abortion and Islam: policies and practice in the Middle East and North Africa. Reprod Health Matters. 2007 May;15(29):75-84.

Question 5 (6 marks)

5.1 Name the two bases that the authors of the article identified as allowing for abortions in the Middle East and North Africa.

Clue: Study page 77 of the document titled: Abortion and Islam: Policies and Practice in the Middle East and North Africa. (2 marks)

5.2 What were the three strategies used to advocate for legal reforms in abortion laws?

Clue: Study page 79 of the document titled: Abortion and Islam: Policies and Practice in the Middle East and North Africa. (2 marks)

5.3 Did the fact that Saudi Arabia has a fatwa that permits termination of a pregnancy if there is fetal impairment change the respondents’ views about abortion?

Clue: Study page 81 of the document titled: Abortion and Islam: Policies and Practice in the Middle East and North Africa. (2 marks)

Regional reading – 2

Sharma AC, Dhillon J, Shabbir G, Lynam A. Notes from the field: political norm change for abortion in Pakistan. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters. 2019 May 31;27(2):126-32.

Question 6 (5 marks)

6.1 Who are Lady Health Workers in Pakistan? What has been their role in increasing access to abortion services?

Clue: Refer to pages 128 and 129 of the journal article by Sharma et al., 2019. (2 marks)

6.2. When dealing with a sensitive and stigmatized issue like abortion, what was identified by Ipas as the key to moving the agenda forward in Pakistan?

Clue: Refer to pages 127 and 128 of the journal article by Sharma et al., 2019. (1 mark)

6.3 What were the two key approaches used by Ipas to contribute to the improvement of the quality of abortion care in Pakistan?

Clue: Refer to page 129 of the journal article by Sharma et al., 2019. (2 marks)