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Emergency and Surgical Care in Universal Health Coverage


The GFMER has an ongoing collaboration with SurgiBox. Dr Debbie Lin Teodorescu (founder of SurgiBox) requested GFMER to share a four-minute anonymous ‘Patient Isolation and Personal Protective Technology Survey’ on with our global networks.

Dr Debbie Lin Teodorescu, a Research Associate at MIT D-Lab & IMES and a Physician at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.

Please click at the following link to participate in this voluntary survey: https://forms.gle/b8AfHuNJskrVHNKr9

GFMER is pleased to invite all GFMER members and share with their global networks to take this 5-minute global survey towards universal access to reliable healthcare information from our Health Information For All (HIFA) partner at the following link: https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eeWw52ROqAZI1V4
