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Antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care

Module 3

Antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care


Training course in adolescent sexual and reproductive health 2021 for WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

February 8, 2021 - Geneva

Assignment (25 marks in total)

Answer the following questions using the clues provided to review the selected aspects of the relevant documents.

Global reading – 1

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Not on pause: Responding to the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents in the context of the COVID-19 CRISIS - Technical Brief. UNFPA; 2020 Jun.

Question 1 (5 marks)

1.1 Identify three actions that could be taken to ensure that adolescents have access to antenatal care, intrapartum care and postnatal care in the context of disruptions to service provisions due to COVID-19.

Clue: Refer to page 10 of “Not on pause: Responding to the SRH needs of adolescents in the context of the COVID-19 crisis”. (3 marks)

1.2 Were there disruptions to maternal health services in your country due to COVID-19? If so, what were the consequences.  Please back up your answers with references, where possible.

Clue: Refer to “Not on pause: Responding to the SRH needs of adolescents in the context of the COVID-19 crisis” and provide references and relevant data sources. (2 marks)

Global reading – 2

Bohren MA, Mehrtash H, Fawole B, et al. How women are treated during facility-based childbirth in four countries: a cross-sectional study with labour observations and community-based surveys. The Lancet. 2019 Nov 9;394(10210):1750-63.

Question 2 (5 marks)

2.1 What were the two primary determinants of mistreatment during childbirth in the four-country study reported in the article titled: “How women are treated during facility-based childbirth in four countries: a cross-sectional study with labour observations and community-based surveys”?

Clue: Refer to the summary of the article, page 1750. (2 marks)

2.2 Why do you believe that girls/young women and those with less education were more affected by mistreatment?

Clue: Provide references and relevant used data sources. (3 marks)

Global reading – 3

WHO. Companion of choice during labour and childbirth for improved quality of care – Evidence-to-action brief. World Health Organization; 2020.

Question 3 (5 marks)

3.1 What are the proven clinical benefits of labour companionship?

Clue: Refer to page 2 of the document titled: “Companion of choice during labour and childbirth for improved quality of care”. (3 marks)

3.2. What were the three principal findings of the research study in three public tertiary hospitals in Egypt, Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic on labour companionship in each of these contexts?

Clue: Refer to page 5 of the document titled: “Companion of choice during labour and childbirth for improved quality of care”. (2 marks)

Regional reading – 1

Mahaini R. Improving maternal health to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a youth lens. East Mediterr Health J. 2008;14 Suppl:S97-106.

Question 4 (5 marks)

4.1 Identify three ‘delays’ that contribute to high maternal and infant mortality in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

Clue: Refer to page 101, Situation analysis of youth reproductive health in the region, “Improving maternal health to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a youth lens” (Mahaini, 2008). (3 marks)

4.2 Identify two priorities for improving maternal healthcare - with a focus on adolescents - in your country.

Clue: Refer to “Improving maternal health to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a youth lens” (Mahaini, 2008). (2 marks)

Regional reading – 2

Moridi M, Shokravi FA, Ahmadi F. The paradox of acceptance: A content analysis of Iranian married female adolescent in confronting pregnancy. PLOS ONE. 2019 May 10;14(5):e0216649.

Question 5 (5 marks)

5.1 Based on the study’s findings, identify two reasons that young Iranian women accepted a pregnancy even if they were not ready for it?

Clue: Refer to page 7-8, Passive acceptance of pregnancy, “The paradox of acceptance: A content analysis of Iranian married female adolescent in confronting pregnancy” (Moridi, Shokravi and Ahmadi, 2019). (2 marks)

5.2. Based on the study’s findings, identify two causes for the frustration and regret the young pregnant Iranian women who were studied felt.

Clue: Refer to page 9-10, Frustration and regret, “The paradox of acceptance: A content analysis of Iranian married female adolescent in confronting pregnancy” (Moridi, Shokravi and Ahmadi, 2019). (2 marks)

5.3 Name one thought that came to your mind when you read this study. (1 mark)