Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2012 - List of participants - GFMER members pages
Ambaw Damtew Belete
EngenderHealth Ethiopia
Ambaw Damtew Belete, Health Communication and Social Science Professional (BA, MA, PGD)
Senior Social & Behavior Change Communication and Community Engagement Advisor of SRH programs, Engenderhealth Inc. Ethiopia
Ambaw Damtew Belete is 54 years old Ethiopian national. He is a health communication SRH research and program management and organizational leadership professional with more than 25 years’ experience. SRH program coordination and management, social and behavior change communication and community engagement programs of SRH including capacity building, training and SRH promotion and service on key Reproductive Health priority areas of Ethiopia in public and non-governmental international organization.
Currently Ambaw is working as a senior SBCC and Community engagement advisor for comprehensive SRH programs of Engenderhealth Inc. Ethiopia at national country office level. Improving access to quality Family planning with a range of method mixes , improved Comprehensive abortion care services , reaching Adolescent and youth SRH services, Gender, youth and social support programming, through training, health system strengthening , demand creation, policy advocacy, supplies availabilities and creation of enabling environment are the mission of the organizations
Ambaw has reach experience in improving access to quality SRH services in Ethiopia through Public health facility and community based service delivery, has innovated several locally sound innovative and successful programs, produced and presented several papers and program best practices on SRH service and AYH nationally and internationally on conferences and symposiums. Ambaw has led a successfully coordinated national immunization programs against polio, tetanus, measles and Vitamin A capsule supplementation for more than 5 years in Oromia region and has laid a ground for the establishment of HIV secretariat in the region as one of his prominent advocacy efforts. He has significant and critical roles in the SRH programs in of developing standard manuals, protocols and guidelines and strategies used at several level in Ethiopia. Ambaw has trained hundreds of public and clinical health service professionals, Health communication professionals, front line community health workers, media professionals, community volunteers, advocators etc. He has led and coordinated successful SRH programs in Ethiopia in public health offices, Non-governmental international organization and managing local indigenous organizations. Project writing, appraisal and project management of SRH programs is also one of Ambaw’s rich experience. He has pioneered a coordination and management for the innovative expansion of long acting family planning services in rural Ethiopia through organizing multiple service delivery based clinical skill training of service providers in Ethiopia, a practice selected as best strategy in Ethiopia since 2005.
In Ethiopian public health programs, Ambaw has,
- Managed, mobilized and coordinated reproductive health experience owing to his fruitful experience of mobilizing and coordinating more than 12 community based non-governmental organization for the cause of reproductive health, Adolescent sexual reproductive health, HIV/AIDs programs funded by USAID pathfinder international and Engenderhealth Inc /Anonymous donor based in USA.
- Provided standard and professional TA for successful programs in the areas of maternal health focusing on FP comprehensive contraception, comprehensive abortion care, AYRH, EPI, HIV and AIDS programs are a wide range of his experience in public and private organizations.
- Pioneered a coordination and management for the innovative expansion of long acting family planning services in rural Ethiopia through organizing multiple service delivery based clinical skill training of service providers in Ethiopia, a practice selected as best strategy in Ethiopia since 2005.
- Initiated and led a successful and popular Rapid Result Initiative (Locally named rapid Breakthrough Initiative) on LARC and CAC services in Ethiopia.
- Initiated and serves as senior advisor for integrated SRH service program with COVID-19 national response programs in the past one year to date.
Ambaw served as international abstract reviewer of International Conference for FP since 2012 and national couch for GFMER SRH courses since 2013. Ambaw is a member of Ethiopian Public health association, Member of national technical working group for family Planning, AYRH and Health communication programs, International Best practices networks of WHO, GFMER.
The followings are work and professional experience of Ambaw in retrospective order:
- Senior SBCC and Community engagement advisor in Engenderhealth Ethiopia ( 2011 to date).
- BCC/Community Engagement Advisor of Integrated family Health program funded by USAID 2008-2009.
- Regional Reproductive Health Program coordinator and manager of Pathfinder International Ethiopia ( 2003-2007).
- Health education senior expert and team leader in Oromia regional health Bureau (a largest region with more than 30 million population in Ethiopia) (1995-1998, 2000-2003) 7 years.
- Health and population program officer of CARE International Ethiopia in 1999.
- Instructor in Teachers Training institute right after his undergraduate studies for 5 years.
- EngenderHealth Ethiopia
- 11th World Congress on Adolescent Health, New Delhi, India - Ambaw Belete - GFMER picture of the week
- Transform: Primary Health Care Project, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Ambaw Belete - GFMER picture of the week
- Somali Women, Tulu Guled, Ethiopia - Ambaw Belete - GFMER picture of the week
- Arbaminch Hospital, Ethiopia - Ambaw Belete - GFMER picture of the week
- Consultant meeting, Jigjiga, Ethiopia - Ambaw Belete - GFMER picture of the week