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Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2012

Family planning

Module coordinator: Mario Festin

The objective of the module is the training and education of health care workers in developing countries on public health and programmatic approaches for family planning. The training can be based at various levels with emphasis on the importance of informed reproductive choices, with the aim of improving the health of women and their families. The module would also include basic knowledge on counseling and informed decision making to highlight the importance of providing appropriate information and ensuring proper choices are made. Family planning services are usually good entry points for women's health services, but these are also important components of other services such as antenatal and post-partum care, and even child care, even at the primary health care level in developing countries so as to reach all those in need with equity and efficiency.

The participants, after completion of the course would be expected to act as providers and possible trainers to further health care providers on family planning.

Learning objectives

  1. To define the basic principles of population demographics
  2. To list and define basic indicators related to population and family planning
  3. To list the basic steps on counseling in reproductive health, focusing on family planning counseling
  4. To identify the need and requirements for an informed decision making process on contraceptive choice
  5. To characterize the following contraceptive methods based on mechanism of action, indicators of effectiveness, side effects, non-contraceptive benefits, eligibility criteria and interventions for certain problems during use:
    1. Combined oral contraceptives
    2. Progestin only pills
    3. Injectable contraceptives
    4. Hormonal implants
    5. Tubal ligation and vasectomy
    6. IUD (copper bearing and levonorgestrel IUS)
    7. Fertility awareness methods
    8. Barrier methods
    9. Emergency contraception
    10. New contraceptive technology
  6. To characterize the principles of reproductive rights and gender issues related to family planning
  7. To list and use the common guidance documents and tools in family planning, such as the MEC, SPR, DMT and Global Handbook, among others
  8. To identify sources of training tools and materials on family planning counseling and methods

Basic content of the module

  1. Principles of Population and Demography (Week 1)
  2. Contraceptive Methods (Week 2 and 3)
  3. Guidelines and Tools (Week 4)
  4. Principles of Family Planning Counseling and Introduction to Informed Choice, Reproductive Rights, and Gender (Week 5)

Major topics

Principles of Population and Demography - Dr. Moazzam Ali

  1. Definitions of population, demography, and fertility
  2. Frameworks for family planning programmes
    1. MDG, RH Strategy, UNSG Strategy
  3. Indicators on family planning
    1. Contraceptive Prevalence
    2. Unmet need for FP
    3. Others
  4. Special target populations groups
  5. Research issues on population and family planning

Contraceptive Methods - Dr. Kirsten Vogelsong and Dr. Mario Festin

  1. Combined oral contraceptives
  2. Progestin only pills
  3. Injectable contraceptives
  4. Hormonal implants
  5. Tubal ligation and vasectomy
  6. IUD (copper bearing and levonorgestrel IUS)
  7. Fertility awareness methods and LAM
  8. Barrier methods
  9. Emergency contraception
  10. New contraceptive technology

For each contraceptive method, the online presentation will include the following topics: mechanism of action, indicators of effectiveness, side effects, non-contraceptive benefits, eligibility criteria and interventions for certain problems during use.

How to Use FP Guidelines and Tools - Dr. Mary Lyn Gaffield

  1. Medical eligibility criteria
  2. Selected practices recommendation
  3. Decision making tool
  4. Handbook for family planning
  5. Other tools

Principles of Family Planning Counseling and Introduction to Informed Choice, Reproductive Rights, and Gender - Dr. Mario Festin

  1. Principles of counseling
  2. Special populations
  3. Concepts of reproductive rights
  4. Gender issues and relations
  5. Quality of care in FP services

Main Learning Materials and other Training Resources

  1. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use
  2. MEC Wheel
  3. Selected Practices Recommendation for Contraceptive Use
  4. Decision Making Tool for Family Planning Clients and their Providers
  5. Reproductive Choices and Family Planning for People Living with HIV Counseling Tool
  6. Family Planning A Global Handbook for Providers


Based on the WHO document “Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use” the course participants are required to do the following:

  • Description of available contraceptive methods in their country
  • Listing of barriers to contraceptive use

Mutliple choice questions

At the end of this module participants are required to answer multiple-choice questions. In order to provide the correct answers, participants need to study the presentations documents part of the module.

Module validation

In order to validate this module the participants are required to submit their assignments and answer to multiple choice questions.
