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GFMER Members - Course participants

Odeke Francis Joe Engemu

Odeke Francis Joe Engemu

Dr Odeke Francis Joe Engemu
Medical officer of Health, Soroti Municipal Council, Uganda
Master in Emergency and Essential Care (EEC) at District Hospitals in Developing Countries - University Centre for International Cooperation of the University of Parma
Participant to the Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research - Geneva 2009
University of Parma/GFMER/WHO scholarship

Present position

Medical officer of Health, Soroti Municipal Council, Uganda

Duties and responsibilities

Management and administration of health centers in the municipality both government and NGO, Planning and budgeting, medical and clinical duty for the patients, medicinal and logistical supplies,accountability.

Medical background

  • MD medicine - University of Havana (1988)
  • Post graduate in tropical medicine (Havana)
  • Diploma in orthopaedics (Mulago, Uganda)

Work experience

  • Medical officer, St Francis medical center in Kampala
  • Medical officer, Masaka regional referral hospital medical ward
  • Medical officer, Mengo referral hospital medical ward, AIDS coordinator for Mengo hospital, assistant lecturer in Mengo school of nursing and midwifery
  • Medical officer, medical ward in Soroti regional referral hospital
  • Medical officer of health in Soroti municipality health sub-district


Opening ceremony 2009 Opening ceremony 2009
