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From Research to Practice

Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research

Geneva 2009

Opening ceremony 2009

2 February - 4 March 2009

organised by

the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research,
the International Association for Maternal and Neonatal Health (IAMANEH)
the San Raffaele del Monte Tabor Foundation
the UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme for Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction, Department of Reproductive Health and Research; Family and Community Health Cluster (WHO/RHR)


Research methodology

WHO Salle D

Date AM Topic Speaker PM Topic Speaker
February 02 09:00 Organisational matters for participants Organisers; venue: GFMER 14:00 Opening ceremony M Mbizvo
C d'Arcangues
M Gülmezoglu
A Campana
W Pasini
M Origoni
C-H Rochat
B Bourrit
C Beghi
R Kulier
R Thomson
15:00 Welcome cocktail WHO/ Restaurant
February 03 09:00 Introduction to the course Team 14:00 Visit of the WHO library T Allen
February 04 10:00 Cohort studies M H Nguyen 14:00 Internet and Medline A Campana
11:00 Case-control studies L Say
February 05 09:00 Why register clinical trials? D Ghersi 14:00 Introduction to Excel, Word and Powerpoint S Koppenhoefer
10:30 Critical appraisal D Ghersi
February 06 09:00 Epidemiologic studies M Merialdi 14:00 Randomized clinical trials M Merialdi
10:30 Systematic searching of the literature T Allen
15:30 Screening M Merialdi
February 09 09:00 Strategies for data analysis: RCTs E Bergel 14:00 Why Family Planning? K Culwell
10:30 Strategies for data analysis: case-control studies E Bergel
February 10 09:00 Research synthesis M Gülmezoglu 14:00 Population surveys L Say
10:00 The Cochrane Collaboration M Gülmezoglu 15:30 Evidence based reproductive health information R Kulier
11.00 The WHO Reproductive Health Library M Gülmezoglu
February 11 09:00 Access to reproductive health care – global significance and conceptual challenges L Say 14:00 Basics concepts in genetic epidemiology M Merialdi
10:30 WHO Guidelines: Grading evidence and developing evidence-based guidelines S Hill 15:00 WHO's evidence-based guidelines for family planning M Gaffield
February 12 09:00 Maternal near miss JP Souza 14:00 Advancing sexual and reproductive health through gender equality and human rights J Cottingham
E Kismodi
10:30 Methodological issues in the measurement of maternal mortality and morbidity A Betrán
February 13 09:00 Implementing evidence-based practices in reproductive health M Gülmezoglu 14:00 Qualitative research study design R Thomson

Sexual and Reproductive Health

WHO Salle D

Date AM Topic Speaker PM Topic Speaker
February 16 09:00 Sexual and reproductive health work at WHO C d'Arcangues 14:00 Prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage M Gülmezoglu
11:00 From contraception to reproductive health G Benagiano 15:00 Fetal/environmental origins of adult disease J Pronczuk, MN Bruné Rossel
February 17 09:00 HIV in Women: A Global View of the HIV Epidemic G Schmid 14:00 Osteoporosis R Rizzoli
15:30 Emergency and essential surgical care M Cherian
February 18 09:00 STIs, bacterial vaginosis & HIV in pregnancy F Ndowa 14:00 HPV diseases: diagnosis, management, therapy M Origoni
10:30 Designing & evaluating clinical algorithms for STI case management F Ndowa
February 19 09:00 Female dyspareunia A Campana 14:00 Sexually transmitted infections epidemiology

HPV infection, cervical cancer and HPV vaccines
N Broutet

N Broutet
LO Eckert
10:30 Sexual function and dysfunction in men
Surgical treatment of male infertility
G de Boccard 15:30 Introduction to adolescent health

Adolescent health and development: why it matters
P Bloem

V Camacho
P Bloem
February 20 09:00 Infertility A Campana 14:00 Adolescent Friendly Health Services

Measurement of quality of health services provided for adolescents

Measuring the coverage of health services for young people
C Mouli

S Carai

K Bose
10:30 WHO infertility initiatives

Primary health care management of the infertile couple
S Vanderpoel

L Feldman
February 23 09:00 The hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis F Pralong 14:00 Poverty or promiscuity: sexual behaviour in global context K Wellings
10:00 The menstrual cycle F Pralong 15:30 Viral hepatitis in reproductive health J Bengoa
PJ Malè
11:00 Male contraception K Vogelsong
February 24 09:00 Challenges in measuring violence against women C Garcia-Moreno 14:00 Ethical issues in SRH research S Vanderpoel
10:30 Update on abortion care N Kapp 15:30 Clinical update in intrauterine contraception N Kapp
16:30 Introduction to sexual health: sexology history in the XXth century W Pasini
February 25  09:00 Breast cancer screening and treatment G Vlastos 14:00 The menopause G Bianchi-Movarekhi
10:00 Dynamic angiothermography: a new technology for breast cancer screening and diagnosis D Montruccoli
11:00 Research in palliative care N Steiner Collet
February 26 09:00 Monitoring caesarean section A Betrán,
JP Souza
14:00 Chinese medicine in reproductive health

Neurobiological basis of acupuncture
H Dong

M Petitpierre
10:00 Prenatal diagnosis P Extermann
11:00 Prenatal diagnosis: imaging P Extermann 15:30 Obstetric fistula
C-H Rochat
February 27 09:00 Future methods of fertility regulation K Vogelsong 14:00 Laparoscopy in developing countries P Meyer
March 2-4 Exams