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OMPHI-GFMER Training Courses

The evidence-based management of Postpartum Haemorrhage

Maternal Infections e-Learning Course

INTERGROWTH-21st course on maternal, fetal and newborn growth monitoring

INTERPRACTICE-21st - Preterm infant feeding and growth monitoring: Implementation of the INTERGROWTH-21st protocol, interactive e-Learning course

COVID-19 in pregnancy, delivery and the neonatal period - An interactive e-Learning course for health professionals

The evidence-based management of Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia (2022 update)

Training course in research methodology, research protocol development and scientific writing 2023

Training course in research methodology, research protocol development and scientific writing 2024

Obstetric Fistula e-Learning Course (2024 update)

Training course in research methodology, research protocol development and scientific writing 2025