Infertility and spontaneous abortion
A. Campana
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
- Definitions
- Influence of maternal and paternal age on fecundability
- Declining female fertility with age
- Prevalence of infertility
- Rutstein, Shea O. and Iqbal H. Shah. 2004. Infecundity, Infertility, and Childlessness in Developing Countries. DHS Comparative Reports No. 9. Calverton, Maryland, USA: ORC Macro and the World Health Organization. Available from:
- Declining estimates of infertility in the United States
- General categories of infertility
- Distribution of infertility causes in developed countries
- Specific diagnoses of infertility, by developing status and region (WHO study)
- Infertility treatments and subsequent pregnancies
- Advice and information for the infertile couple - Timing intercourse to conceive
- Management of the infertile couple
- National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Fertility: assessment and treatment for people with fertility problems [Internet]. London: RCOG Press; 2004 Feb [cited 2009 March 8]. 216 p. Available from:
- Spontaneous abortion, recurrent miscarriage
- Infertility : Guidelines, reviews, position statements, recommendations, standards