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The picture of the week

Clean and safe water for a healthy life in Uganda

Morris Okwir - GFMER Coordinator for Uganda

by Kerlène Volant


Clean and safe water for a healthy life in Uganda - Morris Okwir 

During the World Water Day and the Sanitation Week in Uganda, these are some members of local saving women groups composed of TBAs and other VHT members who seize the opportunity to demonstrate the importance of exploitation and maintenance of water source. In fact, water is essential to promote maternal health and to guarantee a clean and safe delivery. People gathered in Puranga, in the Pader District, for the occasion. The theme of this year was “defecation in the bush is shame, better use a latrine”. Many thanks to Morris Okwir, National Project Officer in Health Department with African Medical Research Foundation (AMREF) and GFMER coordinator for Uganda for sharing with us this great picture about improving the quality of life of communities.