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Tashi Tshomo

National Reproductive Health Program, Kawajansa, Bhutan

Tashi Tshomo

Tashi Tshomo, BA in Environment Studies and English, Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration
Program Officer for National Reproductive Health Program, Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Bhutan
Société coopérative médicale de Beaulieu scholarship

Tashi Tshomo works as Asst. Program Officer for National Reproductive Health Program in Bhutan. The program has the following mandates:

  1. Reduce maternal and neonatal mortality.
  2. Reduce cervical and breast cancers.
  3. Improve adolescent sexual health and reduce incidences of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDs.

She is responsible for formulating program policies, plans and strategies, monitoring and supervising program activities, conducting operational researches and networking with the stakeholders.
