Course weekly schedule / Maternal and perinatal health - Course files / Maternal and perinatal health - WHO documents
Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2015
Maternal and perinatal health
Module coordinators: José Villar, Charles-Henry Rochat
The objective of this module is to provide up-to-date information on maternal and perinatal health issues in order to improve the skills and knowledge of health professionals in this field.
The module also aims to strengthen the research capacity of health professionals, enabling them to provide maternal and perinatal health care that meets international standards.
The topics to be covered in this module:
- The evidence-based management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
- Measuring maternal mortality
- The evidence-based management of postpartum haemorrhage
- Standards for maternal and neonatal care
- Perinatal mental health problems: nature, prevalence, determinants and responses
- Maternal infections
- Obstetric fistula
Support documents
Within this module the participants have access to various WHO guidelines and reference documents covering a wide range of topics on maternal and perinatal health (see Maternal and perinatal health - Course files and Maternal and perinatal health - WHO documents).
Module validation
In order to validate this module the participants are required to complete the module, answer the knowledge assessment tests required for e-learning modules (The evidence-based management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, The evidence-based management of postpartum haemorrhage, Obstetric fistula and Maternal infections).
Note: There is no paperwork assignment for this module.