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Sally Mohamed

Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt

Sally Mohamed

Sally Mohamed, MPH
Assistant Lecturer of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt

My name is Sally Fawzy Mohamed. I’m currently assistant lecturer of public health and I am interested in working in reproductive health services. I had graduated with honors at University of Suez Canal where I got my master degree in public health and worked as a researcher and assistant lecturer in that specialty, the thing enabled me to get a solid knowledge in the reproductive health as one of the major fields in public health. I conducted my master degree thesis under this area which was titled “female triad syndrome among physically active and non physically active secondary school students“. I have 3 years of experience working with youth agencies as I am participating in community based reproductive health related activities led by NGO “The Egyptian society for adolescent health“in the form of research, health education activities and training. Thanks to these particular experiences I was able to perceive the complexity of this field, and to realize that I would like to develop my career in this area. Beside application of reproductive health, I hold especial interest in the adolescence health, and I would like to do specialization in this particular area. People find me to be an upbeat, self-motivated team player with excellent communication skills.
