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Belay Ejeta Awie

EngenderHealth Ethiopia, Nekmete Oromia Region

Belay Ejeta Awie

Belay Ejeta Awie Misgana, MPH
Public Health, Regional Team Leader, Oromia Ben Gum Regions, Engenderhealth Ethiopia

I was born on 28 May 1973. I graduated from Gondar college of Medical science in 2003 with Bachelor of Science in Public Health and obtained a Master of public health degree from University of South Africa (UNISA) in 2014. I had been working in different capacities as Public Health Officer, Program Coordinator, and Program Manager in both governmental and non-governmental organizations. Currently, I am working with Engenderhealth –Inc. in Oromia and Ben Gum Regions, Ethiopia as a Regional team Leader for access to a better reproductive health initiative (ABRI).
