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Research methodology and other research related topics - WHO documents

Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2014

Research methodology and other research related topics

Module coordinators: Tomas Allen, Shyam Thapa, Karim Abawi

The objective of this module is to provide knowledge and skills in scientific writing (research protocol, literature search and article) and to appraise the quality of scientific papers.

The contents of this module can be classified into four parts:

Literature search and referral to biomedical documents

The aim of literature search is to identify the most relevant sources related to a study topic in order to provide evidence, give background information, place a research in a theoretical context and inform readers about similar research on the topic. A literature review is crucial for the credibility of a paper and serves as an update of professional knowledge in a particular field of expertise.

Referencing is a standardized way of citing the sources of information you have used and ideas that are not your intellectual property. It is important to verify citation and to allow readers to follow up what you have written and locate the cited author’s work.

Epidemiologic studies

This section provides basic knowledge on different epidemiologic studies used to conduct a research projects. It includes methods for observational (analytic & descriptive) studies, such as cross sectional, screening, cohort, case-control and experimental studies like randomized trials.

Research protocol development

This section will show you how to develop a research protocol according to a WHO recommended format. This section also contains a special course on research ethics. Participants who take this course will receive a special research ethics certificate that is required for doing research in some countries.

Additional research related topics

This section contains topics related research methodology and project implementation in the field of sexual and reproductive health, such as monitoring and evaluation, WHO guidelines and gender issues.

The core module on research methodology and related research topics is integrated with other specific modules.

The participants are required to read and consult the contents of this module for assignments and final research projects.
