Home - Course weekly schedule - Research methodology

Research methodology and other research related topics - Course files

Literature search and referral to biomedical documents - Epidemiologic studies - Guidelines, systematic reviews - Screening
Qualitative research - Health behavior

Course file - Author(s) References, relevant online documents and resources
Literature search and referral to biomedical documents  
GQuery - PubMed - MEDLINE - Aldo Campana Internet and PubMed/Medline - Aldo Campana
Searching PubMed - Aldo Campana Internet and PubMed/Medline - Aldo Campana
Biomedical journals - Instructions for authors - Aldo Campana Citing Medicine - NCBI Bookshelf

ICMJE: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

Mulford Library: Instructions to Authors
WHO Library - Tomas Allen Cochrane Collaboration

Cochrane Library

Google Scholar


WHO Library and Information Networks for Knowledge
Epidemiologic studies  
Epidemiologic studies - Karim Abawi Aschengrau A, Seage GR. Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health. Second ed. Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 2008.

Epi Glossary | CDC Reproductive Health.

Clinical Epidemiology Glossary. Evidence Based Medicine Toolkit.
Cohort studies - Nguyen Thi My Huong Rochon PA, Gurwitz JH, Sykora K, Mamdani M, Streiner DL, Garfinkel S, Normand ST, Anderson GM. Reader's guide to critical appraisal of cohort studies: 1. Role and design. BMJ. 2005 Apr 16;330(7496):895-7.

Mamdani M, Sykora K, Li P, Normand ST, Streiner DL, Austin PC, Rochon PA, Anderson GM. Reader's guide to critical appraisal of cohort studies: 2. Assessing potential for confounding. BMJ. 2005 Apr 23;330(7497):960-2.

Normand ST, Sykora K, Li P, Mamdani M, Rochon PA, Anderson GM. Readers guide to critical appraisal of cohort studies: 3. Analytical strategies to reduce confounding. BMJ. 2005 Apr 30;330(7498):1021-3.

Thadhani R, Tonelli M. Cohort studies: marching forward. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 Sep;1(5):1117-23.
Case-control studies - Lale Say Rutjes AWS, Reitsma JB, Vandenbroucke JP, Glas AS, Bossuyt PMM. Case-control and two-gate designs in diagnostic accuracy studies. Clin. Chem. 2005 Aug;51(8):1335-41.

Lee W, Bindman J, Ford T, Glozier N, Moran P, Stewart R, Hotopf M. Bias in psychiatric case-control studies: literature survey. Br J Psychiatry. 2007 Mar;190204-209.
Randomized clinical trials - Mario Merialdi The Lancet epidemiology series - Grimes DA, Schulz KF
Population surveys - Lale Say The DHS Program

United Nations Statistics Division - Household Surveys in Developing Countries

Thrift AG. Design and Methods of Population Surveys. Neuroepidemiology. 2010 Mar 18;34(4):267-9.
Guidelines, systematic reviews  
Systematic review - Karim Abawi Cochrane Collaboration

Joanna Briggs Institute

Campbell Collaboration

Centre for Evidence-based Medicine

Centre for Reviews and Dissemination


PubMed Clinical Queries
Screening - Mario Merialdi Deeks JJ. Systematic reviews in health care: Systematic reviews of evaluations of diagnostic and screening tests. BMJ. 2001 Jul 21;323(7305):157-62.

Rutjes AWS, Reitsma JB, Coomarasamy A, Khan KS, Bossuyt PMM. Evaluation of diagnostic tests when there is no gold standard. A review of methods. Health Technol Assess. 2007 Dec;11(50):iii, ix–51.
Qualitative research  
Introduction to qualitative research - Khalifa Elmusharaf TQR Community Qualitative Research Resources

Online QDA
Qualitative sampling techniques - Khalifa Elmusharaf TQR Community Qualitative Research Resources

Online QDA
Qualitative data collection techniques - Khalifa Elmusharaf TQR Community Qualitative Research Resources

Online QDA
Qualitative research approaches - Khalifa Elmusharaf TQR Community Qualitative Research Resources

Online QDA
Health behavior  
Introduction to health behavioral theories - Ling-Yen Pan Glanz K, Rimer BK. Theory at a Glance: A Guide for Health Promotion Practice. National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH Pub. No. 05-3896. Washington, DC: NIH, Revised September 2005.