Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2014 - List of participants
Anteneh Girma Minas
GOAL Ethiopia, Addis Ababa
Anteneh Girma Minas, BSc, MPH
Senior Health Advisor, GOAL Ethiopia
Mr. Anteneh Girma is Ethiopian in origin and is a chief public health expert. He graduated with BSc in Community Health from Alemaya University, Ethiopia, in 2002. He completed his post graduate study in public health at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. He has over eight years of work experiences in areas of public health; mainly Reproductive, Maternal, New-born and Child Health (RMNCH), Primary Health Care, Monitoring & Evaluation, Health Systems Research, Health System Strengthening and Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Responses. His work experiences have with various international non-governmental organizations including AMREF Health Africa, Save the Children, JSI Research and training Institute and I-TECH. Currently, he is the Senior Health Advisor for GOAL Ethiopia as well he is attending a PhD program in Health Studies at the University of South Africa. He is passionate to learn, strives for improvement and is a good team player.
- Girma A, H/Mariam D, Deribe K. Quality of tuberculosis care in six health facilities of Afar Region, Ethiopia. Ethiop Med J. 2010 Jul;48(3):195–202.
- Bedford J, Gandhi M, Admassu M, Girma A. ‘A normal delivery takes place at home’: a qualitative study of the location of childbirth in rural Ethiopia. Matern Child Health J. 2013 Feb;17(2):230–9.