Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2012 - List of participants - GFMER members pages
Karen Hobday
RedR Australia
Karen Hobday, BA (Hons), MPH Specialist in International Health
Global Health Consultant
Member of the Canadian Public Health Association and Australian Health Promotion Association
RedR Australia Register
I have been working in the field of global health for six years as a technical advisor and project manager. I have experience in the areas of behavior change communication, HIV/AIDS and maternal and child health, staff capacity building and monitoring and evaluation.
In April 2012, I completed a consultancy with the World Health Organization in Hyderabad, Pakistan. Prior to this work, I was a research officer in the Global Health@UNSW unit in the School of Public Health and Community Medicine at the University of New South Wales. Additionally, I have undertaken research projects and consultancies in Zambia, East Timor and the Pacific Region in the areas of HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, health promotion and health seeking behaviour.
In undertaking this training, I hope to gain further technical expertise in research methods that will help inform operational and policy change in the field of SRH. I am particularly interested in exploring the role of access to reproductive health services in complex environments such as emergencies and disasters.
Publications in journals
- Martins JS, Zwi AB, Hobday K, Bonaparte F, Kelly PM. The implementation of a new Malaria Treatment Protocol in Timor-Leste: challenges and constraints. Health Policy Plan. 2012 Mar 29.
- Ramke J, Maher L, Lee L, Hobday K, Brian G. Diabetes and its ocular complications: awareness among adults aged 40 years and older in Timor-Leste. Clin Exp Optom. 2012 May;95(3):377-81.
- Ramke J, Blignault I, Hobday K, Lee L, Brian G. Primary eye care in Timor-Leste. Br J Ophthalmol. 2012 Jan;96(1):143-5.
- Hobday K, Ramke J, du Toit R. Eye health promotion in Western Pacific island countries. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2011 Aug;39(6):584-5.
- Ramke J, du Toit R, Roberts B, Pereira S, Hobday K. Vision screening of children attending primary school in rural Timor-Leste. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2011 May-Jun;39(4):377-8.