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Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2012 - List of participants - GFMER members pages

Worknesh Kereta Abshiro

Pathfinder International Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Worknesh Kereta Abshiro

Worknesh Kereta Abshiro, MPH
Senior Advisor in Pathfinder International - Ethiopia
Executive Board Member of Ethiopian Public Health Association

“Mother of the youth” – is the nick name of Worknesh Kereta a public health professional with over 35 years of experience in Reproductive health (RH) program management, service delivery, education and training. Her name was given to her by youth when working with adolescent and youth reproductive health programme. She is currently a senior advisor for Pathfinder International Ethiopia office providing technical guidance to organizations and local partners on adolescent RH programming, capacity building, development and scale up of youth-friendly service in partnership with Ministry of health, Regional health bureaus, local non-governmental organizations and youth initiatives. She also served as a member of board of directors for EPHA – is a current member of board of director for youth - led organization, Mahber Hiwot for Social development (MSD). Worknesh has several publications and have presented in international panels and conferences. Leading a successful and highly acclaimed programme with in the Pathfinder international community – Worknesh is a person that is dedicated, passionate and a true mother of the youth. Worknesh’s health background stems from her Diploma in nursing, BA in health care management and a master’s in public health. Worknesh also served as a head and vice head of school for the Awassa Health Professional Training Institute and the Awassa Health Assistant Training School.
