Home - GFMER Country Coordinators
Khalifa Elmusharaf
GFMER Coordinator for Sudan
Dr. Khalifa Elmusharaf, MBBS, PGDip, FRSPH(UK)
PhD researcher Health System & Policy (Ireland)
Head of Reproductive & Child Health Research Unit (RCRU)University of Medical Sciences & Technology
Dr. Khalifa Elmusharaf is the Head of Reproductive & Child Health Research Unit ‘RCRU’ at University of Medical Sciences & Technology ‘UMST’; Khartoum - Sudan. He is a PhD researcher in Health System & Policy at National University of Ireland Galway ‘NUIG’ with focus on access and equity for maternal, newborn & child health in fragile states.
Dr. Elmusharaf has ten years’ of experience as obstetrician, researcher, project manager, lecturer and health system specialist in academia, ministries of health, and International organizations. He is a certified consultant and lecturer in innovative qualitative research, with experience in community based initiatives, participatory ethnographic evaluation & research, participatory health communications, community readiness assessment, critical incidents technique, reflective photography, and health system & policy research. He is a medical graduate and has higher degrees in Reproductive and Child Health, Research Methodology, and Health System & Policy.
Dr. Elmusharaf has been working in Dengue Fever Control Program in Saudi Arabia, Patient Safety Program WHO in Geneva, Connecting Health Research in Africa and Ireland Consortium (ChRAIC) in Ireland, and in Rebuilding Reproductive & Child Health System Initiative ‘ReReCHI’ in South Sudan. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health in UK “FRSPH”, and member of Global Health through Education, Training and Service “GHETS”, Network: Toward Unity for Health “Network: TUFH”, and Association of Reproductive Health Professionals “ARHP”.
About Reproductive and Child Health Research Unit (RCRU)
In 2010, the University of Medical Sciences and Technology (UMST) established the Reproductive and Child Health Research Unit (RCRU) as a thinking tank and leading centre for conducting research on maternal and child health in Sudan to produce evidences and to do research that can listen to hard-to-reach communities, and to support evidence based health systems decisions and policies. Department of Public Health Program and Research Methodology and Biostatistics unit and RCRU are working together under the direction of the Dean of Graduate collage at University of Medical Sciences and Technology. RCRU is working in partnership with policy makers, health providers, community leaders, local & international NGOs, and Communities.
While doing research to generate evidence RCRU empowers women, engages communities, increases their level of readiness to participate in future projects, advocates for context understanding, and builds the capacity. RCRU implements innovative methodological approaches that overcome the challenges of conducting research among hard-to-reach population such as dealing with sensitive issues, lack of trust, high illiteracy rate, and competing with NGOs that provide services and food.
Reproductive & Child Health Research Unit will coordinate the GFMER Course 2012 “From Research to Practice: Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research and will provide technical help and appropriate assistance at local level to the Sudanese students.
- Elmusharaf K., Abu-Sinn D., Khalid A., Victor F., Abel-Hamid A., Abuagla A., Khalil A., Mohammed A. (2012) University community partnership project: community selection criteria and readiness assessment. In proceedings of Irish Forum for Global Health Conference. Dublin February http://www.globalhealth.ie/index.php?i=256&PHPSESSID=48cb881c0c3d3424be996e76b3375a7e
- Elmusharaf K., O’Donovan D. (2012). Participatory ethnographic evaluation research (PEER) empowers marginalized women to engage in community directed reproductive health interventions. In proceedings of Irish Forum for Global Health Conference. Dublin February http://www.globalhealth.ie/index.php?i=247&PHPSESSID=4bccbb3b0e91c794cfe9c82ae33c7a1c
- Elmusharaf K., O’Donovan D. (2012) Innovative participatory health education 'IPHE': an approach to capacity strengthening for researchers and policy makers. In proceedings of Irish Forum for Global Health Conference. Dublin February http://www.globalhealth.ie/index.php?i=246&PHPSESSID=48cb881c0c3d3424be996e76b3375a7e
- Shadad A., Elmusharaf K. (2012) Novel approach for north-south partnerships for training & capacity-building utilizing an electronic health library (e-HL). In proceedings of Irish Forum for Global Health Conference. Dublin February http://www.globalhealth.ie/index.php?i=315&PHPSESSID=4d36f60e07d2c92c295c08db343dc8c6
- M. Abdalla, A. Omer, K. Elmusharaf. Female genital mutilation (FGM) in Sudan: what do men think? Contraception. 2012;85(3):317 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.contraception.2011.11.022
- Banaga AS, Yousif ME, Elmusharaf K. Risk Factors of Post Renal Transplant Anaemia among Sudanese patients, a study in three renal transplant centres. BMC Nephrol 2011 Aug 9; 12(1):37 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2369/12/37
- K Elmusharaf, B Scott, D. O’ Donovan. (2010) ‘Innovative Methodological Approach to Understand Barriers To Accessible Maternal Care In Post Conflict Area: Listen To Hard-To-Reach Communities’ in proceedings of the Advancing Quality through Partnerships of Health Professions Education and Health Services Institutions. Network:TUFH conference. Nepal November.
- K Elmusharaf, A Abuagla, H Salih, A Farah, I Mustafa, A Khalil, H Mekki, M Hamad. (2010) ‘Rebuilding Reproductive and Child Health System in Post Conflict settings Initiative’ in proceedings of the Advancing Quality through Partnerships of Health Professions Education and Health Services Institutions. Network:TUFH conference. Nepal November.
- Elmusharaf K. Working with individuals, families and communities to improve maternal and newborn health. Guideline appraisal of WHO document. Paper presented at: Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2010. Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 2010 Jul 17. Available from: https://www.gfmer.ch/SRH-Course-2010/assignments/Workingwith-individuals-families-communities-to-improve-MNH-Elmusharaf-2010.htm
- Elmusharaf K, Shakour S, Fazari A. Attitude of circumcised Sudanese women towards mutilating their daughters. Contraception. 2009;80(2):225. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.contraception.2009.05.116
- Elmusharaf K, Abbas A, Ibrahim A, Elsayed S, Badraldin L. Reproductive health in rural Sudan: a population based survey. Contraception. 2009;80(2):225-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.contraception.2009.05.118
- Elmusharaf K. Connecting Health Research in Africa and Ireland. Network: Toward Unity for Health Newsletter. 2009 June;28(1):20. http://www.the-networktufh.org/download.asp?file=NL012009.pdf
- Bashir AF, Elmusharaf K, Gerais A, Berggren V. Acceptability of HIV/AIDS counseling and testing of Sudanese pregnant women. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2009;107(Supplement 2):S601-S2. http://download.journals.elsevierhealth.com/pdfs/journals/0020-7292/PIIS0020729209621482.pdf
- Bashir AF, Elmusharaf K, Elnour A, Mohamed TA. The Academy Charity Teaching Hospital's experience in manual vacuum aspirator as a tool for intrauterine manipulation - Khartoum, Sudan. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics. 2009;107(Supplement 2):S179-S. http://download.journals.elsevierhealth.com/pdfs/journals/0020-7292/PIIS0020729209606755.pdf
- Ibrahim W, Elmusharaf K, Ali M. Social and behavioral impact of HIV/AIDS on Sudanese patients after the diagnosis. Contraception. 2009;80(2):221. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.contraception.2009.05.100
- Fazari A, Elmusharaf K, Ahmed B. Sacrococcygeal teratoma; Case Report. Gezira Journal of Health Sciences. 2009 June;5(1):84 - 7.
- Elmusharaf K, Fadulallah S, Fazari A. Husbands' attitude toward Sudanese women living with urogenital fistulae after vaginal delivery and its psychological consequences. Contraception. 2008;78(2):193. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.contraception.2008.04.106
- Elmusharaf K, Andermann A. Global gap analysis of the existing resources and training needs for patient safety researchers. Geneva: World Health Organization. World Alliance for Patient Safety; 2008 June. http://www.who.int/patientsafety/research/strengthening_capacity/training_leaders/en/index.html
- Elmusharaf K, Akbar N. Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever epidemic in Jeddah 2006–2007. The Second International Conference on Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever; 2008 15 –17 October; Thailand. 2008. http://www.bizpotential.com/ddc_seminar/form/show_abstract.php?id_abs=0363_R01
- Akbar N, Elmusharaf K. Complicated dengue fever and liver damage, Jeddah 2006. The Second International Conference on Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever; 2008 15–17 October Thailand. 2008. http://www.bizpotential.com/ddc_seminar/form/show_abstract.php?id_abs=0080_R01
- Elmusharaf K, Mustafa NS, Fazari AB. Evaluation of Sudanese women's sexual life after childbirth. Contraception. 2007;76(2):170. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.contraception.2007.05.051
- Elmusharaf K, Fazari A. Neonates in cases of sever malaria. Network: Toward Unity for Health Newsletter. 2006 June;25(1):7. http://www.the-networktufh.org/download.asp?file=NL012006.pdf
- Elmusharaf K. A research oriented college: a new challenge in Africa. WFME world conference: Global standards in medical education for better health care; 2003 15 – 19 Mar Copenhagen – Denmark. 2003. http://www2.sund.ku.dk/wfme/Activities/abstracts%20samlet_inkl%20suppl.pdf
Research Supervision
PhD Community Nursing Students’ dissertation that I am co supervising:
- Waled Ahmed, Khalifa Elmusharaf, Awatif Osman (2012). Cluster-Randomized Trial of home safety training: Its effects on mothers’ awareness & behavior and under-five home injury rate in Khartoum State.
Master of Public & Tropical Health students’ dissertation that I supervised:
- A Khalil, H Mekki, K Elmusharaf. (2011) ‘A Qualitative Study on the Determinants of Perinatal Mortality in Post Conflict Settings: A Case Study from South Sudan’
- A Abuagla, K Elmusharaf. (2011) ‘Determinants of Maternal Mortality In Post Conflict Fragile States: A qualitative case study from Southern Sudan’
- H Salih, K Elmusharaf. (2011) ‘Assessing level of readiness of a post conflict community to participate in community directed reproductive health intervention: a case study of South Sudan.’
- Amal Khalil, Khalifa Elmusharaf, Habab Mekki, Mohammed Abdalla. 2011 'Integrating Critical Incident Technique with Verbal Autopsy to Identify Causes and Determinants of Neonatal Mortality in Post-conflict Settings.'
- Ayat Abuagla, Amal Khalil, Mohammed Abdalla, Khalifa Elmusharaf. 2011 ‘Critical Incident Technique as an innovative method in identifying the determinants of maternal mortality in post-conflict fragile settings’
- H. Salih and K. Elmusharaf. 2011 'Factors Affecting Readiness of a Post Conflict Community to Participate in Community Directed Reproductive Health Intervention: a Case Study of South Sudan'
- Israa Ibrahim, Khalifa Elmusharaf. 2011 ‘Barriers to access HIV services in post conflict settings’
- Amjaad Farah, Khalifa Elmusharaf. 2011 'Qualitative Assessment of Impact of In-hospital Delay on Emergency Obstetric Care Services and Outcome'
- Amjaad Farah, Khalifa Elmusharaf. 2011 'Innovative Interconnected Gyrate Two - Wheel Framework of Assessment of Emergency Obstetric Care Service'
- Amjaad Farah, Khalifa Elmusharaf. 2011 'Assessment of quality of emergency obstetric care services through patient satisfaction.'
Diploma of Family Medicine students’ dissertation that I supervised:
- M Abdalla, A Omer, K Elmusharaf. (2011) ‘Female Genital Mutilation in Sudan: What Do Men Think?’
- Habab Hassan, Sana ElBashir, Amal Abdel Rahim, Mohammed Abdalla, Khalifa Elmusharaf. 2011 'Contraception Preference amongst Sudanese Women Presenting in the Postnatal Period'
- Habab Hassan, Gamila Banaga, Amal Abdel Rahim, Mohammed Abdalla, Khalifa Elmusharaf. 2011 ' Assessment of Psychological Impact of Miscarriage amongst Sudanese Women
- Amal Khalil, Gidyan Abdelwahab, Habab Mekki, Khalifa Elmusharaf. 2011 'Breastfeeding Practices among Urbanized Sudanese Women in Khartoum State'
- Mohammed Abdalla, Reem Magzoub, Mawadda Nasr, Amal Khalil, Ayat Abuagla, Khalifa Elmusharaf. 2011 ‘Assessment of Reproductive Rights among Women attending Khartoum Teaching Hospital’
- Mohammed Abdalla, Khalifa Elmusharaf, Ayat Abuagla. 2011 ‘The fight against FGM in Sudan: Can men help?’
Diploma in Qualitative Research Methodology students’ dissertation that I supervised:
- Azza Faris, Sara Abdalla, Amal Khalil, Habab Mekki, Khalifa Elmusharaf. (2011) ‘Perceptions of conflict affected Community towards Innovative Participatory Health Education ‘IPHE’ on promoting their maternal health.’
- Muaz Ibrahim, Habab Mekki, Amal Khalil, Khalifa Elmusharaf. (2011) The impact of Innovative Participatory Health Education ‘IPHE’ in improving students’ knowledge and understanding of the maternal health issues.
- Sarah Abdalla, Azza Faris, Amal Khalil, Habab Mekki, Khalifa Elmusharaf. (2011) ‘Impact of Drama developed through Innovative Participatory Health Education ‘IPHE’ on promoting maternal health of conflict affected communities: A case study from South Sudan.’
- Mustafa Ezzldien Mustafa, Amani Omer, Habab Mekki, Amal Khalil, Khalifa Elmusharaf. (2011) ‘Impact of Innovative Participatory Health Education ‘IPHE’ on the local theatrical band members.’
- Amani Omer, Mustafa Ezzldien Mustafa, Mohamed Abdalla, Habab Mekki, Amal Khalil, Khalifa Elmusharaf. (2011) ‘IPHE: the impact of an innovative participatory health education (IPHE) on participants from the local community in a post conflict setting.’
- Mohamed Ayman Izzeldin, Muaz Ibrahim, Habab Mekki, Amal Khalil, Khalifa Elmusharaf. (2011) Portfolio as a method of self-evaluation and assessment for students involved in Innovative Participatory Health Education ‘IPHE’.
Future plans or initiatives
The participants of this course will form the nuclear of Network of Sudanese Reproductive Health Researchers. A monthly Sexual and Reproductive Health forum will be conducted by RCRU.
Useful links
- The National Strategy for Reproductive Health 2006 ~2010
- Sexual and reproductive health in Sudan
- Status of MDGs in Sudan in 2010
- Federal ministry of health
- Ministry of Health – Khartoum State