Population control: past policies future challenges
Marloes Schoonheim
May 3, 2012
Population control: past policies future challenges - Marloes Schoonheim from Robin Heyden on Vimeo.
GFMER in cooperation with the WHO and Boston University Medical Center invites you to a unique event: an online, interactive presentation on population control hosted in the virtual world of Second Life on May 3, 2012 at 2:00 PM GMT.
The presentation, given by Dr. Marloes Schoonheim, is part of the Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research. We'll discuss how population control drives national and international policies regarding family planning and what population challenges lie ahead.
Second Life (SL) is an online, 3D virtual world (see the attached picture) used to explore and interact with information and individuals. People enter Second Life as avatars and communicate by voice and text. This presentation in SL will be interactive and engaging, taking full advantage of a range of unique technical features all developed by an expert team of Boston University Medical School.
You can watch the presentation at http://vimeo.com/45091079.
See also: