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Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2010 - List of participants - GFMER members pages

Kibwe Alphonse Simbi

Pediatric Hospital, Herat, Afghanistan

Kibwe Alphonse Simbi

Kibwe Alphonse Simbi, MD, Pediatrician
Pediatrician and neonatologist in Support to The Pediatric Hospital in Herat, AISPO (Associazione Italiana per la Solidarietà tra i Popoli), Herat, Afghanistan

I come from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and studied medicine at the Padua University. After completing graduate, post graduate and advanced university studies in Italy and Belgium, I set off for several years working as pediatrician and neonatologist in Europe and Africa (DRC, Burundi, Tchad).

Professionally, I have contributed in improving health system especially in maternal and child field in Developing countries and implementing the capacity building of personal staff in collaboration with Italian Universities (Padua and Verona). I have authored or coauthored some publications.

With this personal experience I am fully persuaded that the time I spent in Europe and Africa will pay off in the anticipated quality of policy analysis and proposals we shall be able to engage in the near future. Currently I 'm working as pediatrician and neonatologist in support to the Paediatric Hospital in Herat (Afghanistan).

