Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2010
Course guide
1. Introduction
This training aims to provide you knowledge, skills and competencies in sexual and reproductive health as well as research in this field. The program is designed to address a wider range of contemporary reproductive and sexual health problems, especially in developing countries. It has been developed with the collaboration of experts from WHO, GFMER and other national and international health infrastructures and health training institutions.
The strong point of this course is that you build direct contact with WHO (Department of Reproductive Health and Research) and other important research institutions. This enforce your professional network and will open new opportunities in your carrier if you are motivated and have innovative ideas and ambitions.
2. Course period
The study year commences in May 2010 and ends in October 2010. The study time required for each module is, on average, 7-8 hours per week over a period of 24 weeks (plus 4 weeks for revision research project submission).
3. Course structure
This course comprises of one core module on research methodology and four elective modules, which are listed below by chronological order:
- Maternal and perinatal health
- Sexually transmitted infections & HIV/AIDS
- Sexual health with a special focus on adolescent sexual and reproductive health
- Community genetics
The core module is integrated in elective modules, while the duration for each elective module is around one month.
The lectures/ presentations, as well as supplementary study material are provided in electronic format. You can access the course modules by clicking on the following link:
4. Study materials
4.1. Lectures/presentation are divided in two parts:
4.1.1. Live lectures:
A calendar at the beginning of each module will be communicated to you. This will give you information about the topic, lecturer, date and time of live lectures and how to access them.
It is always advisable to attend the live lectures, during which you will be able to interact directly with the lecturers and receive direct answer. If for any reason you are not able to attend a live lecture, it is archived on the website. You can access it whenever you want and post your comments or question afterwards.
4.1.2. Online presentations:
You can access online presentations listed in each module by clicking on them. For this you go directly to the course module and display the desired presentation.
4.2. Integrated key readings
Reference documents are drawn from a wide range of sources and are provided as required readings. Information is also supplied regarding sources of further reading. In each module links are provided for key readings.
4.3. Study support
The lecturers and module coordinators have individual research interests and collaborations and manage the courses. They are responsible for the academic quality of the course materials as well as being involved in course development, teaching and assessing.
With extensive international experience in research and postgraduate education, the lecturers are supported by subject specialist tutors in offering technical assistance to the participants. During the time allocated for each module you will have the opportunities for receiving support from tutors and course organizers throughout the study period. Module coordinators & tutors are allocated to each module and are available to answer queries.
You can also address your questions to the course coordinator, who will contact the concerned lecturer, in-order to get your questioned answered.
4.4. The online learning environment
The online communication provides you the opportunity to extend your studies by interacting on both academic and non-academic issues with modules coordinators, course coordinator and other participants through the Internet. The diversity within the student community and the networking facilitated by the programme provides a wonderful opportunity to learn from and share experiences with peers from different countries.
The online communication provides easy access to academic and administrative support. It also enables you to be part of a learning community.
Main features of online communication:
- student-student and student-tutor interaction
- links to relevant ressources
- course-specific discussion rooms where you can debate and find solutions to queries about your course
- administrative and technical help areas
- electronic documentation to download and print
- information about any important events, deadlines and new resources
- point of contact with the course organizers.
In order to facilitate online learning environment we are using the following communication tools and request you to create your personal account:
4.4.1. Google groups
The group is called GFMER/WHO-Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2010. Please note that most of the information from course organizers will be posted here and any questions can also be put here where everyone can access it.
- You need a Gmail account in order to participate in the group.
- You will receive an invitation from the coordinator to join the group.
- You will sign up for the Gmail account and follow instructions on how to have access to the group
- Only participants can view group content, member list, can upload the file and post topics and contributions.
- You are able to
- post topics
- questions for discussion
- other participants can take part in dicussion
- upload files.
4.4.2. Facebook
- From the link above, you fill in your personal details using any email address that you already have. This will enable you to have a Facebook account.
- You are kindly asked to become a fan of GFMER Switzerland, where you are able to get all updates and see all upcoming events.
- From the Facebook engine, search for the page Training in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2010, this is a closed group for course participants so the administrators have to accept you to join.
- This group enables you to freely interact with other course participants by posting topics on discussion where you can share ideas and experiences regarding any chosen topic.
4.4.3. Skype
- You need windows2000, XP, Vista, 7, to run Skype.
- Follow the above link, click download Skype and follow the skip down load procedure till you save the file in the end.
- To get into Skype, click the Skype icon on your computer.
- Create your account by clicking (don’t have skype name).
- When you log into your account you can:
- add contacts by clicking add contact and follow the procedure
- click on search for Skype users and follow instructions
- chat and call- All skype contacts appear on your left side and the green tick means that the contact is ready to chat or call .the white x means that the contact is not available. If its green you click on the name and click on either chat or call depending on what you want to do.
- Sending files- click on the skype contact you want to send the file to then you click on menu where you find send file.
- Conference call-you click on start skype conference and follow procedure.
4.4.4. Second Life WHO project
In collaboration with Boston University School of Medicine, the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research and the WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research, we plan to use the virtual world Second Life (SL) to deliver three special sessions guest lectures in the course.
Second Life is an online immersive, virtual world that supports a high level of social networking and interaction with information. Students in this course will enter Second Life as avatars where they can explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, create and exchange ideas, and learn from designed experiences. In this course, Second Life will also be used to facilitate the interaction between participants and lecturers. In preparation for these special lecture events, we will help students and lecturers become familiar with how to sign up and use Second Life via several training activities.
You will receive more information and instruction on this tool during the course.
5. Assignment
During each module you are required to review a WHO guideline/document of your choice, relevant to your professional practice. This will consist of:
- Reading the selected guideline/document.
- Is this guideline known in your professional environment?
- Do you apply this guideline in your professional practice?
- Is this guideline adapted to your country?
- If it is not applied, what are the reasons?
- Your personal point of view regarding this guideline.
We provide you access to a large number of guidelines related to each elective module that you can download. You will be asked to choose the most relevant one to your professional practice and communicate your choice to the course organizers.
See Assignment guide - Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2010.
6. Final evaluation and certification
As the continuum of your assignments, at the end of the course you are required to write a scientific paper (research work) on a guideline, that you find most relevant to your professional practice. This research work is really original, rewarding and beneficial to your own professional carrier, as well as the health care services in your country as:
- You acquire more knowledge and skills by reviewing a guideline, relevant to your current professional activities.
- You produce a research paper in-order to study if this guideline is applied in your country or your professional environment, if so to what extent it has been implemented by health care providers, what are the reasons if it is not applied. Is this guideline adapted to your country, what are the strategies to introduce this guideline and maximize its implementation? You can design your paper using the knowledge that you acquire from this course.
As for your assignments, you will get advice from modules coordinators, the coordinator of the course, concerned teachers and tutors on your research project. Moreover you also have the possibility to introduce a tutor of your choice for your research project. He/she could be from your country, from a research entity, university or an organization.
For any question and instruction please contact the course coordinator:
Dr. A. Karim Abawi
Phone: +41223467716
Mobile: +41788430178