Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2010 - List of participants - GFMER members pages
Mengistu Asnake Kibret
Pathfinder International Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Mengistu Asnake Kibret, MD, MPH
Deputy Technical Director, Integrated Family Health Program, a Partnership Program between Pathfinder International and JSI on Family Planning Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health
Deputy Country Representative, Pathfinder International Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Scaling up Community-Based Service Delivery of Implanon: The Integrated Family Health Program’s Experience in Training Health Extension Workers. Pathfinder International Technical Report (2010).
- Information Sharing in Professional Associations: The case of the Ethiopian Journal of Health Development in Strengthening the Ethiopian Public Health Association. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development (EJHD) 2009: 23(special issue).
- Enhanced Access to Reproductive Health and Family Planning, Pathfinder International in Ethiopia 2002-2007. Pathfinder International Technical Report (2007).
- Women’s Empowerment in Ethiopia: New Solutions to Ancient Problems. Pathfinder International Technical Report (2007).
- Service Based Delivery Long Acting Family Planning Training. Pathfinder International Technical Report (2007).
- Improving the range of Contraceptive Use in rural Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development (EJHD) 2006: 20(2).
- The Impact of CBRH services in Southern Ethiopia (1999) and in Haik CBRH Project (2001)
- Reproductive Health Services through alternative service delivery approach; The experience of Kmobolcha Textile Factory (2001)
- Sensitivity of Chest X-rays and their relation to sputum results in the diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Hossana Hospital. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 2000:14(2).
- Knowledge and Attitude of Health Professionals in Relation to the Involvement of the General Health Service Staff in the Management of Leprosy in Ethiopia. International Journal of Leprosy 2000, 68 (299).
- Follow-up evaluation of the effects of Community Based Reproductive Health (CBRH) project in Hadiya and KAT zones of SNNPR, Ethiopia. Pathfinder International, September 1999.
- The Involvement of the General Health Service Staff in the Management of Leprosy in the Southern Region, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 1999:13(3).
- Community Assessment and Planning for Maternal and Child Health Programs: A participatory Approach in Ethiopia. BASICS Technical Report, Arlington, Va: BASICS, 1998.
- Operations Research in the BASICS/ESHE project: A summary of supported studies. Monograph, Awassa: BASICS, 1998.
- Revitalizing Rural PHC services: A Review of BASICS/ESHE Community Based Project Activities in the SNNPR. Community Monograph, Awassa: BASICS, 1998.
- A one-year progress report of the Tuberculosis control program in Southern Shoa, Ethiopia. Tubercle 1996:77(Supplement 2).
- Water Handling Procedures and Their Association with childhood Diarrhea. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 1992:6(2).
- Focus Group Identification of Barriers to the Use of Modern Contraception in East Hararghe. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development 1991:5(1).
- Health Profile and Action Plan for Garamuleta district. AAU, Department of Community Health, 1990.
Conference and workshop presentations
- Increasing Access to Injectable contraceptives at community level: the Pathfinder Experience, Global Health Council, 36th Annual Conference, Washington DC, May 2009.
- Integration of Reproductive Health and Environmental protection through non-formal Education to rural women in Ethiopia, Global Health Council, 35th Annual Conference, Washington DC, May 2008.
- Integrating Youth Friendly Services within Existing Public Health Services: Addressing the HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health issues among young people in Ethiopia, Investing in Young People’s Health and Development: Research that improves polices and program, Abuja, Nigeria, April 2008.
- Causes and consequences of Early Marriage in Amhara Region, Ethiopia, Fifth African Population Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, December 2007
- Private Sector Strategies for Reproductive Health a title “Expanding Access to Reproductive Health through Marketplace in Ethiopia” Global Health Council, 32nd Annual Conference, Washington DC, May 2005.
- A multifaceted approach to STI/HIV/AIDS interventions in Ethiopian Workplaces, 15th international AIDS conference, Bangkok, July 2004.
- Approaches to balancing ABC when working with faith based organizations: Challenges and solutions from African countries, Bangkok, July 2004.
- Reproductive Health Services through workplace service delivery: The experience of Kombolcha Textile factory and Use of long term and permanent modern Family Planning Methods in North East Ethiopia at the 129th American Public Health Association, Atlanta, October 2001 and 12th annual public Health conference of EPHA, Addis Ababa, November 2001.
- The effect of Community Based Reproductive Health Activities in Ethiopia and The Private Sector Franchise Initiatives for RH activities in Ethiopia at the 128th American Public Health Association, Boston, November
- The effect of Community Based Reproductive Health Activities on Family Planning and other MCH activities in SNNPR at the Ethiopian Public Health Association tenth Scientific Conference, October 1999.
- Case management training of IMCI for Health Workers from pilot IMCI implementation areas, Yirgalem, December 1998.
- Integrated Leprosy and Tuberculosis Program training for the General Health Service Staff in SNNPR, Awassa, October 1998.
- Clinical Tuberculosis for Physicians, International Training at ALERT, September 1998.
- Introduction of National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Program Manual for Woreda Communicable Disease Coordinators and General Health Service Staff, Awassa, 1997.
- Community Activities Supported by BASICS Project in the SNNPR, End of Project Regional and National Dissemination Workshop, Awassa and Addis Ababa, September 1998.
- Multiple Indicators for Quality of Care in Hospitals of Southern Region, Awassa, August 1998.
- Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) orientation and planning workshop, Awassa, June 1998.
- Training of Trainers for IEC Activities at Community Level, Southern Region, May 1998.
- Health Management Information System for Health Workers in Pilot Sites, Awassa, September 1997.
- The involvement of General Health Service Staff in the Management of Leprosy Patients at the Ethiopian Public Health Association seventh annual scientific conference, Addis Ababa, Nov 1997.
- The relationship between Radiological Diagnosis of Tuberculosis and sputum smear results in Pulmonary Tuberculosis at the 11th African Regional Conference IUATLD, Lome, Togo, Nov 1995.
- Water Handling Practices and their associations with Childhood Diarrhoea at the Ethiopian Public Health Association Second Annual scientific Conference, Addis Ababa, August 1991.
- Focus Group Discussion for the Initiation of Modern Contraception to Regional Health Department, Harar, Ethiopia, June 1991.
- Health Profile and Action Plan for Garamuleta District to AAU Community Health Department, October 1990.
- Community Blood Pressure Survey in Kmer Dengaye to Gondar College of Medical Sciences, April 1985.
Course assignment
- Mengistu Asnake Kibret - Adolescent pregnancy - Assignment
- Mengistu Asnake Kibret - Evidence based approaches to health service provision to adolescents - Assignment
- Mengistu Asnake Kibret - Evidence based approaches to sexuality education for adolescents - Assignment
- Mengistu Asnake Kibret - HIV/AIDS and young people - Assignment
- Mengistu Asnake Kibret - Introduction to adolescence and to adolescent health - Assignment
The evidence-based management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia - University of Oxford
- The Oxford Evidence-based Management of Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia Training Course in Gondar, Ethiopia, December 10, 2011
- The Oxford Evidence-based Management of Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia Training Course in Mekelle, Ethiopia, December 12, 2011
- Pathfinder International: Programs: Ethiopia
- Ethiopia - Sexual and reproductive health - Guidelines, documents
- Mengistu Asnake Kibret - GFMER Coordinator for Ethiopia