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From Research to Practice

Training in Sexual Health Research

Geneva 2007

26 February – 28 March  2007

organised by

the Fonds Universitaire Maurice Chalumeau
the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research -
WHO Collaborating Centre in Education and Research in Human Reproduction,
the Department of Reproductive Health and Research (WHO/RHR)

in collaboration with

the Department of Health of the Canton of Geneva,
the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva,
the Geneva Medical Association


Common course: Research methodology

The opening ceremony on 26 February will be held in Salle D
Lectures will be held in Salle D/WHO (27 February - 16 March)

 Date AM Topic Speaker PM Topic Speaker
February 26 09:00 Organisational matters Organisers; venue: GFMER 14:00 Opening ceremony P v Look
M Gülmezoglu
A Campana
P-F Unger
W Pasini
V Fauveau
F Baumann
B Bourrit
C-H Rochat
R Botti
R Kulier
A Martin- Hilber
ca. 15.30 Welcome cocktail WHO/ Restaurant
February 27 09:00 Introduction to the course Team 15.00 Visit of the CMU library/computer roomsInternet and Medline A Campana
10.00 e-learning R Kulier
February 28 09:00 Epidemiologic studies M Merialdi 14:00 Visit of the WHO library T Allen
10:00 Cohort studies H Wolff
11:00 Case-control studies H Wolff 15.00 e-learning Participants
March 01 09:00 Household surveys M Ali 14:00 Introduction to Excel, Word and Powerpoint S Koppenhoefer
10:30 Randomized clinical trials M Merialdi
March 02 09:00 Research synthesis M Gülmezoglu 14:00 Implementing evidence-based practices in reproductive health M Gülmezoglu
10:30 The Cochrane Collaboration M Gülmezoglu
11.30 The WHO Reproductive Health Library M Gülmezoglu 15.00 e-learning Participants
March 05 09:00 Strategies for data analysis: randomized controlled trials G Piaggio 14:00 Systematic reviews of observational data A Betrán
10:30 Screening M Merialdi 15.00 e-learning Participants
March 06 09:00 Registration of clinical trials D Ghersi 14.00 Systematic searching of the literature T Allen
10:00 Critical appraisal D Ghersi 15.00 e-learning Participants
March 07 09:00 Postgraduate learning and teaching in EBM R Kulier 14:00 Basic concepts in genetic epidemiology M Merialdi
10:00 WHO, guidelines and evidence S Hill 15.00 Human Rights related to sexual and reproductive health E Kismodi
March 08 09:00 Strategies for data analysis: case-control studies G Piaggio 14:00 Qualitative research study design (slide presentation) R Thomson
10:30 Methodological issues in the measurement of maternal mortality and morbidity A Betrán
March 09 09:00 From contraception to reproductive health G Benagiano 14:00 Ethical issues in research - informed consent E Vayena

Course:  Common topics in Reproductive Health/Sexual Health

Salle D/ WHO

Course:  Sexual Health

Room X7/WHO

Date AM Topic Speaker PM Topic Speaker
March 19 09:00 Introduction to sexual health W Pasini 14:00 Preventing HIV/AIDS in young people: a systematic review of the evidence from developing countries B Dick
10:30 Concepts in sexual health research and practice A Martin Hilber, R Thomson
March 20 09:00 Gender identity disorders R Porto 14:00 Sexual problems and conjugal psychosocial functioning E Widmer
11:00 Studying sexuality & sexual health in young people
Competing for attention: Sexuality education and the commerce of sex
R Thomson 15:30 Women’s sexuality, current debates D Medico
March 21 09:00 Female Genital Mutilation and sexuality E Johansen 14:00 Psychosomatic aspects during menopause W Pasini
10:30 Individual 30 minute sessions of critical appraisals of SH research studies R Thomson 15:00 Sexual functioning / dysfunctions: point of view of a sexologist W Pasini
March 22 09:30 Individual 30 minute sessions of critical appraisals of SH research studies A Martin Hilber 14:00 Research on child abuse: ethical and methodological aspects D Halperin
11:30 Sexual Minority Health research
The health of sexual minorities
R Thomson
M Hausermann
T Karpf
15:30 Gender, sexuality and vaginal practices study A Martin Hilber
March 23 09:00 "Putting Women First" Ethical and Safety recommendations for Research on Violence against Women
Challenges in measuring violence against women
Challenges to measuring violence against women
H Jansen 15:00 Promoting sexual health: the public health challenge (Video conference)  E Coleman