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Sudanese Population Network (SPN)

Ali Mohamed Abbas
Secretary General
P. O. Box 13165
Khartoum 11111, Sudan
Email: alieltour@yahoo.com
Cell: (00249) 912866744
participant at the Training Course in Research in Sexual Health, Geneva 2005

Sudanese Population Network (SPN): is a voluntary, non-governmental and non-profitable network, works in the field of population and development and reproductive health (RH). It aims at facilitating coordination and collaboration between the members and all other institutions related to population and development, nationally, regionally and globally to promote and improve the RH situation in Sudan. SPN was established as a joint initiative from some committed leaders and organizations working in the field of population and RH.

The significance of establishment of SPN comes from escalating concerns to population and RH issues at all levels as well as the calls from all population forums and conferences, particularly the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD, 1994) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs, 2001), to the importance of amalgamation of efforts, creation of partnerships and collaboration for working towards integrating population issues in policies and programmes of development, promoting population characteristics and improvement of RH situation.


Better health for all.


To create an opportunity of work and collaboration between organizations committed to population and RH issues for advocacy, promotion, advancement and accessibility to population and RH services and information.


To coordinate the work, and promote collaboration between the members and all other institutions related to population and RH, nationally, regionally and globally to promote the RH situation in Sudan for improvement of quality of life.


  • to bring together all expertise in population and RH.
  • to establish a link between international, regional and national organizations working in the area of population and RH.
  • to formulate a focal body that can assist organizations in the field of population and RH.
  • to establish a database that can assist in advocacy for population and RH and publicize its concepts.
  • to disseminate information and research findings, and offer opportunities for capacity building and IEC materials in population and RH.
  • to create a focal body of researchers who can help informing policy-makers and planners in the area of population and RH through operational research and surveys.
  • to facilitate RH services and activities to other States particularly those with special needs.

Strategies and Mechanisms

  • to organize and participate in workshops, forums and conferences and involve the available mass media to raise the awareness at all levels.
  • to advocate for population and RH issues.
  • to train and build the capacity of the members and those working in the field of population and RH.
  • to mobilize the communities and resources.
  • to encourage designing and writing research and projects’ proposals in the field of population and RH for fundraising nationally, regionally and globally.

Useful links