Tewodros Seyoum
University of Gondar, Ethiopia
Tewodros Seyoum, MSc in Clinical Midwifery
Lecturer, University of Gondar, Ethiopia
I was born in Gondar town in 1987 in the local village called Wolleka. After I’m reaching for schooling, I was joining Wallage secondary school and finished up 8 grades. I was attending Angereb high school in the 9th and 10th grade. After I finished my preparatory school in fasiledes preparatory school I joined Gondar college of Medical and health science and studied midwifery in 2007. I was graduated with distinction in 2009. After that I was employed in Gondar University as a lecturer in 2009. After two years work experience I studied clinical midwifery and graduated in 2012. Now I am working as a lecturer in University of Gondar, department of midwifery.