Deborah Kioy
Dr Deborah Kioy
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Dr Deborah Kioy retired from World Health Organization (WHO) in October 2012 when working in the Knowledge Management and Priorities for Neglected diseases of poverty. Dr Kioy joined WHO, Special programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) in 1998 as Pre-clinical Coordinator, responsible for coordination and informal review of pre-clinical work related to TDR drug development activities. She initiated the TDR's highly successful GLP programme, developed GLP documents (Handbook and Training manuals) and started a Network of GLP trainers in 2006. She developed the Handbook on Quality practices in basic biomedical research and the accompanying training manuals, was the TDR disease coordinator for Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) from 2002 to 2008 and has managed a number of clinical trials for HAT and Malaria. Deborah is a Kenyan and holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree, a Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology, a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and MBA degree.
Dr Kioy began her professional career as a pharmacist in a hospital in Kenya, moving on to pharmacist responsible for drug registration, as a researcher in Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and a as a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Nairobi before joining TDR.
Deborah has joined GFMER as a member of the mHealth Training Course support team. She will focus on the overall course oversight and synthesis of the training outcomes.
- mHealth for Sexual and Reproductive Health
- mHealth for sexual and reproductive health on-line training course (mHealth4SRH) - Deborah Kioy - HELINA 2013
- Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2014 - GFMER Geneva Team