Darja Hrvatin
Japanology and Philosophy
Darja Hrvatin, Japanology, Philosophy
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
I have studied Japanology and Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts in Slovenia. Slovenia is a small but a very beautiful country in the centre of Europe, on the North East coast of the Adriatic Sea.
In 2011, I became a volunteer at the Association For Nonviolent Communication (DNK) in Koper. Since then I am trying to follow this field of interest as much as possible.
DNK’s main focus is violence against women and children. But they inform and educate also about other types of violence. As a volunteer, my work at the DNK was comprised mostly of spending quality time with children who had an experience with violence, be it as victim, perpetrator, or witness.
Currently I am living in Geneva, Switzerland where I entered my internship at Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research. I help mostly with the administrative work, managing the Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research. I am also a member of the editorial board of a new GFMER initiative called “Sexual and Reproductive Rights”.
My main fields of interest are Non-violent communication, Violence against women, Violence against children, Assertive communication and Raising awareness about the (non)violent behavior.