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The Mzima Project of the Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania

Angelina Mtowa - Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania

by Lynn Gertiser


The Mzima Project of the Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania -  Angelina Mtowa

The Mzima Project of the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) aims to study the local food environments in which unhealthy eating behaviours take place. The supplementary survey was conducted in Ifakara, Morogoro Tanzania on local food environment. This survey was a part of a study on the Characterization of the Consumer and Community Nutrition Environments in an Area of High Purchase Food and Low Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Tanzania. The information was collected from the health professional or expert, lay consumer, and community leader. Here, Angelina C. Mtowa conducts an interview with a lay consumer, a mother and her child.