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Module 7

Violence against women and girls: prevention, support and care

Training course in adolescent sexual and reproductive health 2022 for WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

March 7, 2022 - Geneva


  1. Watch the video presentation titled: Violence against women and girls: prevention, support and care. Alternatively go over the slide set (slide set with talking points).
  2. Go over the WHO publication titled: Global plan of action: health systems address violence against women and girls (WHO, 2016).
  3. Go over the WHO publication titled: RESPECT women: preventing violence against women (WHO, 2019).
  4. Go over the WhatWorks publication titled: A rigorous global evidence review of interventions to prevent violence against women and girls - Executive summary (Kerr-Wilson et al., 2020).
  5. Study the relevant pages of the World Bank document titled: Preventing and responding to gender-based violence in middle and low-income countries: a global review and analysis. The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3618 (Bott et al, 2005).
  6. Go over the journal paper titled: Wirtz AL, Perrin NA, Desgroppes A, Phipps V, Abdi AA, Ross B, Kaburu F, Kajue I, Kutto E, Taniguchi E, Glass N. Lifetime prevalence, correlates and health consequences of gender-based violence victimisation and perpetration among men and women in Somalia. BMJ Global Health. 2018 Jul 1;3(4):e000773.
  7. Expert commentary – Watch the video presentation.
  8. Submit your paperwork assignment. You will find the assignment for this week’s module at this link:

Reference documents