Violence against women and girls: prevention, support and care
Module 7
Violence against women and girls: prevention, support and care
March 7, 2022 - Geneva
Assignment (20 marks in total)
Answer the following questions using the clues provided to review the selected aspects of the relevant documents.
Global presentation and readings
Question 1 (9 marks)
1.1 Gender-based violence has negative consequences to women and girls, their families, and their communities and societies. Name three such consequences. (3 marks)
Clue: Study pages 8, 9 and 10 of the WHO publication: Global Plan of Action: Health systems address violence against women and girls, and page 51 of the WHO publication: WHO recommendations on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights.
1.2 In many places health care providers do not respond effectively and with sensitivity to women and girls who experience gender-based violence. Firstly, in your opinion, why is this so? Secondly, name three things that could be done to change the situation. (4 marks)
Clue: Study pages 10 to 14 of the WHO publication: Global Plan of Action: Health systems address violence against women and girls, and pages 52 and 55 of the WHO publication: WHO recommendations on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights.
1.3 Gathering and using data on violence against women and girls is important. Identify two actions that you believe all countries could carry out immediately. (2 marks)
Clue: Study page 25 of the WHO publication: Global Plan of Action: Health systems address violence against women and girls, and page 12 of the WHO document: RESPECT women: preventing violence against women.
Question 2 (3 marks)
What are the three intervention types that have been found to be effective at preventing violence against women and girls in a recent rigorous review, when well designed and executed?
Clue: Study page 3 of the WhatWorks publication: A rigorous global evidence review of interventions to prevent violence against women and girls.
Regional case study
Question 3 (5 marks)
3.1 Who were identified as major perpetrators of physical and sexual violence among men and women in the Somalian study during their childhoods? (3 marks)
Clue: Study page 4 of the report titled: Lifetime prevalence, correlates and health consequences of gender-based violence victimization and perpetration among men and women in Somalia (Wirtz AL et al. 2018).
3.2 Of the following factors, identify two factors that were associated with lifetime intimate partner violence (IPV) and non-partner violence (NPV) victimization among women as well as lifetime violence victimization and perpetration among men. (2 marks)
- Belonging to a minority clan
- Being too outgoing
- Having large families
- Having a history of migration or displacement
- Low economic resources
- With higher education level
Clue: Study page 9 of the report titled: Lifetime prevalence, correlates and health consequences of gender-based violence victimization and perpetration among men and women in Somalia (Wirtz AL et al. 2018).
Question 4 (3 marks)
What according to you is the most prevalent form of gender violence in your country and why? Is there any initiative that has been targeting GBV or laws and policies supporting victims?
Clue: Study Chapter 1 of the World Bank document: Preventing and responding to gender-based violence in middle and low-income countries: a global review and analysis. The World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 3618.