Adolescent sexual and reproductive health - Course files
Sexually transmitted infections prevention and care
Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli
Training course in adolescent sexual and reproductive health 2019
October 7, 2019 - Geneva
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Chandra-Mouli V. Sexually transmitted infections prevention and care. Paper presented at: Training course in adolescent sexual and reproductive health; 2019 Oct 7; Geneva.
- Go over the slide set titled: Sexually transmitted infections prevention and care (Sexually transmitted infections prevention and care with talking points) which contains key messages from the WHO publication: WHO recommendations on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (2018).
- Go over the journal paper titled: Rowley J et al. Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis and syphilis: global prevalence and incidence estimates, 2016. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2019 Aug 1; 97(8): 548–562P.
- Watch the You Tube video titled: Findings from 2 papers on Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents & Young People.
- Go over the WHO document titled: Brief Sexuality-Related Communication, Geneva: WHO, 2015.
- Go over the slide set titled: HPV vaccination and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (HPV vaccination and adolescent sexual and reproductive health with talking points) by Mr Paul Bloem, Expanded Programme of Immunization, WHO.
- Watch the TEDX talk by Dr Teodora Wi, Department of Reproductive Health and Research/Human Reproduction Programme, WHO.
- Study the WHO publication titled: Options for linking health interventions for adolescents with HPV vaccination. WHO, 2014.
Reference document
Read the five questions carefully. Answer the questions using the clues provided to review the selected aspects of the module materials.
Question 1: Serious long-term effects
List three serious long-term consequences of STI.
3 marks
Clue: Pages 31 and 32 of the WHO publication titled: WHO recommendations on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (2018).
Question 2: Prevalence and incidence
2.1 What is the estimated trend in chlamydia prevalence in men and women aged 15-49 years in your region? How does it compare with the global prevalence?
2 marks
Clue: Table 5 in page 553 of the paper by Rowley et al.
2.2 Give two reasons why the global/regional/national prevalence and incidence estimates of STI are important.
2 marks
Clue: Page 554 of the paper by Rowley et al.
Question 3: Barriers to access
Identify one barrier from the perspective of providers and one from the perspective of users to the provision and uptake of STI case management services.
3 marks
Clue: Go over the You Tube presentation titled: Findings from 2 papers on Sexually Transmitted Infections in Adolescents & Young People.
Question 4: Brief Sexuality-Related Communication
4.1 Provide a brief definition of brief sexuality-related communication (BSC). Name one way in which BSC is similar to and one way in which it is different from counselling. Name its four components.
4 marks
Clue: Study section 1.4.2 on pages 17-18 of the WHO publication Brief Sexuality-Related Communication (WHO, 2015).
4.2 In the TEDX talk Dr Teodora Wi calls for an open and stigma-free discussion about sex. In your context, describe briefly how BSC could contribute to this.
4 marks
Clue: Study section 4.1.2 on pages 33-35 of the WHO publication Brief Sexuality-Related Communication (WHO, 2015).
Question 5: Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination
5.1 Why is it important to provide the HPV vaccination? Does your country have a national policy and strategy for HPV vaccination? If so, briefly describe it.
4 marks
Clue: Study the slide set titled HPV vaccination and adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
5.2 In your context which is the most important intervention that could be delivered along with HPV vaccine? Explain why.
3 marks
Clue: Study page 3 of the WHO publication Options for linking health interventions for adolescents with HPV vaccination (WHO, 2014).
Best assignments of week 5: Sexually transmitted infections prevention and care
Congratulations to the following participants whose assignments have been chosen as the best assignment of week 5 by their coaches. Click on the participant’s name to read the assignment.
Aisling Corr, Plan International, London, United Kingdom
Coach’s comment
"The participant showed an excellent understanding of the module and her answers were very concise. She presented the country contexts very well with supporting evidences." Raqibat Idris, GFMER course coordinator and tutor
Nefertari Boles, Young Scholars of Egypt, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Coach’s comment
"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Till your good is better and your better is best’. - St. Jerome. Congratulation for the outstanding work Nefertari!" Khadija Ahmed Matrook, GFMER country coordinator and course tutor
Pagnimdbsom Teegawindé Arsène Bafiogo, Centre Médical de Sideradougou, Comoé, Burkina Faso
Coach’s comment
"I nominate Arsene Bafiogo as the best performer for the week based on his steadily progressive improvement in comprehension and writing ability. This has culminated in a near perfect score for this week, which shows an ability to take corrections and implement lessons learnt. I believe Arsene bafiogo has earned acknowledgement for his remarkable improvement." Aishatu Abubakar-Sadiq, GFMER country coordinator and course tutor
Sahil Chopra, Jhpiego, New Delhi, India
Coach’s comment
"Sahil Chopra is nominated for the 5th week as presenting the best assignment of the week. It should be mentioned that Sahil Chopra used to work for HPV integration strategy framework in India and shared with us a very interesting experience." Lela Shengelia, GFMER country coordinator and course tutor
Zaituna Asio, Plan International, Kampala, Uganda
Coach’s comment
"Zaituna Asio is nominated for the third time as best performing participant. From the paperwork assignment, Zaituna has strong analytical skills in public health and effectively interpret and discuss study findings. She provides relevant supporting evidences and justifications for her responses to the assignment questions. Her response to the assignment questions shows that most of the findings and evidences from research papers and resource materials rephrased or expressed in an alternative way for the purpose of clarification. Once again, I greatly appreciate all of the course participants in my group for their efforts and commitment to submit the weekly assignments as per the given timeline." Melaku Samuel Hottessa, GFMER course tutor
Zoe Leach, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
Coach’s comment
"You have reflected your correct theoretical knowledge on the topic, which is also based on your professional skills and daily practice. It is good to see that as a participant of the course, you are already involved in BSC to a high risk group of people, and at the same time, you are investing resources to improve updated evidence-based knowledge for better outcome of your daily work." Ashim Roy, GFMER country coordinator and course tutor