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Course weekly schedule - Research methodology

Research methodology and other research related topics - Course files

Literature search - Epidemiologic studies - Systematic reviews - Screening - Qualitative research

Course file - Author(s) References, relevant online documents and resources
Literature search  
Searching PubMed - Aldo Campana PubMed Help

PubMed Online Training / PubMed Tutorial
WHO Library - Tomas Allen Cochrane

Cochrane Library

Google Scholar


WHO Library and Information Networks for Knowledge
Epidemiologic studies  
Epidemiologic studies - Karim Abawi Epidemiology Glossary | Data and Statistics | Reproductive Health | CDC.

Clinical Epidemiology Glossary. Evidence Based Medicine Toolkit.
Cohort studies - Nguyen Thi My Huong Nichol KL, Nordin JD, Nelson DB, Mullooly JP, Hak E. Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccine in the Community-Dwelling Elderly. New England Journal of Medicine. 2007 Oct 4;357(14):1373-81. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa070844

Olaf H Klungel SRH. Lipid-Lowering Drug Use and Cardiovascular Events after Myocardial Infarction. The Annals of pharmacotherapy. 2002;36(5):751-7. doi: 10.1345/aph.1A308

Ramchand R, Ialongo NS, Chilcoat HD. The Effect of Working for Pay on Adolescent Tobacco Use. Am J Public Health. 2007 Nov;97(11):2056-62. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2006.094045
Case-control studies - Karim Abawi Epidemiology Glossary | Data and Statistics | Reproductive Health | CDC.

Clinical Epidemiology Glossary. Evidence Based Medicine Toolkit.
Cross-sectional studies - Maryam Hemed Carlson MDA, Morrison RS. Study Design, Precision, and Validity in Observational Studies. J Palliat Med. 2009 Jan;12(1):77-82.

Levin KA. Study design III: Cross-sectional studies. Evid Based Dent. 2006;7(1):24-5.
Randomized controlled trial - Khalifa Elmusharaf Consort




EBBP - Randomized Controlled Trials

The SPIRIT Statement
Systematic reviews  
Systematic review - Karim Abawi Cochrane

The Joanna Briggs Institute

The Campbell Collaboration

The Centre for Evidence-based Medicine

Centre for Reviews and Dissemination
Medical screening - Catherine Watt Wald NJ. Guidance on terminology. J Med Screen. 2008 Jan 3;15(1):50-50.

Evidence review criteria: national screening programmes - Publications - GOV.UK.

Lesson 10: Interventional Studies (1) Diagnostic Tests, Disease Screening Studies | STAT 507.

Department of Health & Human Services, State Government of Victoria, Australia. Newborn screening.
Qualitative research  
Introduction to qualitative research - Khalifa Elmusharaf TQR Qualitative Research Resources

Online QDA