Monica Gloria Greene

Marie Stopes International, Freetown, Sierra Leone

Monica Gloria Greene

Monica Gloria Greene, RN, CM, DCM&H, MDM
Regional Medical Advisor, Marie Stopes International

I was born on 3rd December 1960, in Freetown, Sierra Leone. I graduated as a State Registered Nurse in 1981 and as a Certified Midwife in 1983. I worked in several hospitals in Sierra Leone until 1985 when I joined the private sector. I received post graduate trainings in Reproductive Health and Family Planning at Centre for African Family Studies in Nairobi, Kenya and Johns Hopkins University Accredited trainings. I also had training in HIV/AIDS care and treatment. My Diploma in Community Medicine and Health and Masters in Development Management are from University of Sierra Leone.

I have headed several hospitals and clinics in Sierra Leone and the Gambia and was lecturer at the Gambia School of Nursing. I was trained in Infection Prevention control during Ebola outbreak in West Africa, thereafter I helped to implement IPC protocols and practices in Sierra Leone and Senegal for Marie Stopes programmes. Currently, I am based in Sierra Leone and work as a Regional Medical Advisor conducting clinical trainings, supportive supervision and quality assurance Visits to Marie Stopes Programmes internationally, but specifically have responsibility to supervise Sierra Leone, Ghana and Nigeria.

I am fluent in English, I speak two of our local languages and also have working knowledge of French.
