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Mekonnen Jima Biru

Ethiopian Civil Societies Health Forum, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Mekonnen Jima Biru

Mekonnen Jima Biru, MA in Social Psychology
Program Coordinator, Ethiopian Civil Societies Health Forum, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

I was born in 1982 in West Shewa Zone, Chelia District, Ethiopia. I graduated in multi-disciplinary fields of studies (MA in Social Psychology, Bachelor of Education in English, BA in Journalism and Communication at Addis Ababa University). Currently, I am studying BSc in Public Health Officer at Addis Ababa University Tikur Ambessa Hospital. I also got admission to study PhD in Public Health at Lancaster University of UK. My research will concentrate on “Sexuality and Reproductive Health challenges of Women with Learning Disability in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia”.

I am serving Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA) as Program Coordinator of Ethiopian Civil Societies Health Forum. My main responsibilities are:

  • Coordinating the collective efforts of civil societies working on health
  • Creating enabling environment for CSOs through policy dialogue
  • Representing CSOs on national and international health platforms
  • Building the capacity of CSOs by organizing trainings, experience sharing visit and learning forums
  • Resource mobilization

The Forum is composed of more than 150 local and international NGOs working on health. Under the Forum, there are seven health thematic working groups namely: Reproductive Health, TB, NCD, Immunization, Nutrition, MEAL and Resource Mobilization. I have experience in organizing RH related events such as panel discussion on sexuality and substance abuse and adolescent sexual reproductive health in emergency situation, training on safe motherhood, workshop on national Adolescent and Youth Health and National RH strategies, experience sharing visit on SRH services etc.
