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Francis Joseph Phiri

Bwalo Global Development Trust, Kafue, Zambia

Francis Joseph Phiri

Francis Joseph Phiri, BA Hons. Ed., MSW
Director, Bwalo Global Development Trust, Kafue, Zambia

Mr. Francis Joseph Phiri (BA Hons. Ed., MSW) is the Director of Bwalo Global Development Trust, an NGO based in Kafue focusing on alcohol and substance rehabilitation services since 2006. Francis has served in the Ministry of Health at the health centre, district, training institution and national levels as health technologist, district health inspector, lecturer and administrator for a period of over 20 years.

He also has extensive experience in community engagement having served for 5years as the Project Coordinator for Kafue Adolescent Reproductive Health Project, a youth pilot project documented by the World Bank Sourcebook of HIV/AIDS: http://www.schoolsandhealth.org.

Francis is an activist and trainer on youth sexuality and addictions who has presented papers widely including two oral presentations at GAPA 2013 Conference in Seoul, Korea. Currently, he works as a consultant and part time lecturer at various colleges and universities in Zambia.
