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Costantine Nyambajo

Terre des Hommes Schweiz, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Costantine Nyambajo

Costantine Nyambajo, MPH, MBA, BAED, Diploma in Education
National Coordinator, Terre des Hommes Schweiz, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

I was born on the 1st September 1972. I have Master in Public Health from Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Science - Tanzania, Master of Business Administration from Mzumbe University - Tanzania, Bachelor of Arts with Education from University of Dar es Salaam and Diploma in Education. I have attended different short courses on Project Management, M&E, Management & Administration of HIV/AIDS Programmes, HIV/AIDS Counseling, HIV/AIDS Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission, TOT Counselor Supervisor, HIV/AIDS Community Care (TOT), Solution Focused Approach Orientation training and Child counseling in HIV/AIDS.

I am working with terre des hommes schweiz in Tanzania as a national coordinator to support and coordinate six local NGOs to implement gender based violence and sexual reproductive health and rights projects in six districts.
