Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2013 - List of participants - GFMER members pages

Mohanad Hussein

Abuelrish Medical Center, Khartoum, Sudan


Mohanad Hussein

Mohanad Hussein, MBBS, MSc
Medical Director at Abuelrish Medical Center
Health & Medical Consultant at Arab Organization for Agricultural Development
Board Member of Reproductive and Child Health Research Unit, University of Medical Sciences and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan

I’m Dr Mohanad Hussein. I am originally from Palestine (Gaza strip). I arrived in Sudan in 1993 to study medicine at University of Khartoum. After finishing my housemanship training (2002), I worked at Police Hospital as a medical officer at the Pediatrics surgery department for 3 years. I worked with a non-profit local NGO as a medical officer for 6 years (2002-2007). I started medical and health consultation at AOAD in 2011, while I was completing my master’s degree in Public and Tropical Health at UMST.

During my master’s, I was picked to be a board member of the RCRU at UMST. As a member of RCRU, I prepare and conduct - with the assistance of other colleagues - a training course conducted at Renk County, South Sudan, targeting the health workers and health decision-makers (April 2011).

My last accomplishment was completing the “on-line course on mHealth for sexual and reproductive health 4 March to 22 April 2013” by GFMER.
