Community genetics / Community genetics - Course files
Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2013
Community genetics module - Principles of genetic counseling
Hanan Hamamy
November 11-19, 2013
- Genetic counseling - Hanan Hamamy
- Ethical issues in medical genetics and genetic services - Hanan Hamamy
- Consanguineous marriages. Trends, impact on health and counseling - Hanan Hamamy
- Principles of population genetics - Leo P ten Kate
- Applications in population genetics - Hanan Hamamy
- Prenatal genetic screening and diagnosis - Hanan Hamamy
- Basic concepts in dysmorphology - Samia Temtamy, Mona Aglan
Reference reading
- References that are posted as relevant documents for the presentations.
- WHO documents on ethical issues and genetic services.
- For specific disorders and terminology: