Community genetics / Community genetics - Course files
Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research 2013
Community genetics module - Prevention strategies and research
Hanan Hamamy
November 20-30, 2013
- Community genetics - Hanan Hamamy
- Primary prevention of congenital disorders - Hanan Hamamy
- Periconception care and primary prevention of neural-tube defects and other congenital abnormalities by periconceptional folic acid/ multivitamin supplementation - Andrew Czeizel
- Epidemiology, care and prevention of hemoglobinopathies - Nasir Al-Allawi
- Sickle cell disease: introduction - Hanan Hamamy
- Rational for birth defect registry, surveillance and monitoring based on the Hungarian experiences - Andrew Czeizel
- Research priorities in integrating community genetic services in primary care settings - Hanan Hamamy
- Scientific research. Writing for publication: steps for novice writers - Hanan Hamamy
Reference reading
Those that are given to the presentations and the relevant WHO documents:
- WHO. Birth defects. Report by the Secretariat. Geneva: WHO; 2010.
- WHO. Medical genetic services in developing countries: The Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of genetic testing and screening. Geneva: WHO; 2006.
- Indiana State Department of Health. An Introduction to Indiana’s Newborn Screening Program
- Newborn screening: Ontario’s expanded screening program