Tuberculosis: drug resistance
Africa - Australia - Austria, Germany, Switzerland - Azerbaijan - Bangladesh - Belarus - Bhutan - Brazil - Cameroon - Canada - Central Asia - Central Asia, Eastern Europe - China - China, India - Czech Republic - Dominican Republic - East Africa - Eastern Europe - Egypt - Estonia - Eswatini - Ethiopia - Europe - Europe, United States - Gabon - Germany - Ghana - Guatemala - Gulf Cooperation Council - Haiti - India - International - Iran - Iraq - Ireland - Israel - Italy - Ivory Coast - Japan - Kenya - Kyrgyzstan - Latvia - Lesotho - Liberia - Lithuania - Low and middle income countries - Madagascar - Maldives - Mexico - Middle East - Moldova - Mongolia - Myanmar - Netherlands - Niger - Nigeria - North Korea - Pakistan - Papua New Guinea - Philippines - Portugal - Republic of Guinea - Republic of Korea - Rwanda - Saudi Arabia - Sierra Leone - Singapore - Slovakia - Somalia - South Africa - Spain - Sri Lanka - Sub-Saharan Africa - Sudan - Taiwan - Tanzania - Timor-Leste - Uganda - United Kingdom - United States - Uzbekistan - Vietnam - West Africa - West and Central Africa - WHO - WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region - WHO South-East Asia Region - WHO Western Pacific Region - Zambia - Zimbabwe - {Related topics}
Low and middle income countries
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region