8th Postgraduate Course for Training in Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology
Matweb Network Initiative
Coordinator: Dr. Soerjo Hadijono
8th Post-Graduate
Course for Training in Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology
was held in Geneva Switzerland from September 1st, 1998 until
October 16th, 1998. The course itself was conducted by the WHO
Collaborating Center for Reproductive Health in Human Reproduction, Infertility
and Gynecologic Endocrinology Clinic, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,
Geneva University Hospital in collaboration with
UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special
Programme of Research, Development & Research Training in Human Reproduction.
Twenty six course participants, who were all obstetricians and/or gynecologist, came from 4 different continents and 18 countries all around the world. After sharing experiences, working together and providing good team works in order to accomplish their assignments for one and a half months in Geneva, they have found that collaboration and friendship can promote and expand their works in research. As a result, they decided to keep their memories of Geneva, communicate and exchange their experiences and research in Reproductive Health using the modern electronic mailing system. This is the cheapest mailing system they could find that covers every corner of the world and can support the network to serve their needs in communication.
The idea to make the network was then supported by the Post-Graduate Course Organizing Committee and Prof. Aldo Campana (Head of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Geneva University Hospital). To bring the network into reality, Dr.R.Soerjo Hadijono SpOG from Indonesia was then selected as the Matweb Network Coordinator. The network coordinator has the responsibility to distribute (to the network member) every communication to the Matweb Network and in charge for the network ongoing activity.
- Advancing Reproductive Health through research
- To communicate, share experiences and research in Reproductive Health
- To provide good team works among reproductive health researchers
- Publishing and fund-raising activity in reproductive health research especially in developing countries
The first members of the network are those who have access to the internet through and Internet Service Provider (ISP) in their home country and/or have the ability to receive and send e-mails. Some of them have this access before they were joining the postgraduate course in Geneva.
Matweb Network first members (in alphabetic order) |
Aldo Campana (Switzerland)
Brigitte Kramer (Germany) Damar Prasmusinto (Indonesia) Edgardo Abalos (Argentina) Elena Thatchouk (Russia) Hoda Mc Neill (Switzerland) Ilir Tasha (Albania) Juan Carlos Pou (Argentina) Juan Carlos Vazquez (Cuba) Lais Cristina Yazbek (Brazil) |
Levan Baramidze (Georgia)
Micyline Tchana Sinou (Cameroon) Nandita Maitra (India) Regina Kulier (Switzerland) Saimir Cenameri (Albania) Samina Shaheen Ali (Pakistan) Seraphin Fokoua (Cameroon) Silvia Bomfim Hyppolito (Brazil) Soerjo Hadijono (Indonesia) |
Other postgraduate course participants |
Arben Paralloi (Albania)
Constantin Diculescu (Romania) Constantin Enciulescu (Romania) Fatmir Kopani (Albania) Georges Blemur (Haiti) |
Grigore Sorin Parastie
Helena Lazareva (Kazakhstan) Llukan Rrumbullaku (Albania) Maksim Gjoni (Albania) Zoltan Borthaiser (Hungary) |
Other members/professional organization |
The Matweb Network now is open for everyone who is interested in reproductive health advancement and research development.
As the Matweb Network grows in its activity and amount of members, some new activities will be done in the near future such as:- The e-mail exchange between the participants would be published in the "Discussion Forum" on the Web site, after edited by the editorial board.
- A Network Journal will also be created with contributions from the participants or invited persons. The contents of the journal could be review articles, guidelines, case reports and other articles especially in reproductive health science to support research activity.
- An update of the already existing MatWeb Homepage and the production of latest information on Reproductive Health in different countries as well as the activities of OB/GYN Departments.
- An update of the advancement on each participants ongoing reproductive health research and trying to get some financial support for possible international collaborative research.
How to Get an Internet Connection and Join the Matweb Reproductive Health Network
Hardware needed:- A personal home computer or notebook computer with at least an 486 processor and 8 MB internal memory (a higher model processor and more memory will serve better)
- A modem or PMCIA Card (for notebook computer) at least work at 11.4 Kbps
- A phone line
- A Window 95 (at least) software
- An Internet connection software (Internet Explore or Netscape) which you can download for free from the Microsoft homepage
Get an internet connection through your country Internet Service Provider (ISP) You will get a user ID and an e-mail address which is usually contains <user ID>@<internet service provider> for example: srobgyn@indosat.net.id or johns@pacific.net.sg
Send an e-mail stating your new e-mail address to srobgyn@indosat.net.id Your message will be circulated through all Matweb RH Network users And you will get also a continuous message through your e-mail system which is served by the Matweb Health Reproductive Network
NB. An "easy to fill" form will be provided for joining the network in the near future at the Matweb Homepage
send your comments or suggestions to
my e-mail. Thank you! Dr.R.Soerjo
Hadijono SpOG Last update 01/03/99