Methodological Issues in Health Research 2 weeks Reproductive Health 4 weeks |
23 February 2004 – 2 April 2004
organised by
the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
the UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme for Research in Human Reproduction,
Department of Reproductive Health and Research, Family and Community Health
Cluster (WHO/RHR),
the International Association of Maternal and Neonatal Health (IAMANEH)
in collaboration with
the Department of Health of the Canton of Geneva,
the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva
the Geneva Medical Association
Organisation and Structure
The Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research, the Department of Reproductive Health and Research, WHO and the International Association for Maternal and Neonatal Health (IAMANEH) – in collaboration with the Department of Health of the Canton of Geneva, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva and the Geneva Medical Association - are accepting applications to the Course : From Research to Practice: Postgraduate Training in Reproductive Health. The purpose of this course is to provide postgraduate training in this area of reproductive health, to educate graduates in research methodology and to acquaint trainees with the most recent technological advances in their areas of research.
The course is structured as follows:
Methodological Issues in Health Research (2 weeks) covering: Study designs, critical appraisal, screening, research synthesis, strategies for data analysis.
This two-weeks course is followed by specialist modules:
Reproductive Health (4 weeks): Basic pathophysiological principles, Genetics, Family Planning; Infertility, gynaecological Endocrinology and Menopause, Genital Infections/Sexually Transmitted Infections and Cancer, Obstetrics.
The course is given by lecturers associated to Swiss medical institutions and by advisers and staff of WHO.
The course will lead to a Certificate. The Certificate can be obtained after 6 weeks intensive training followed by oral and written exams.
Dates of the Course
23 February 2004 – 2 April 2004
Students who want to undertake training in Methodological Issues in Health Research; and Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Biology must fulfil the following requirements:
- have a Doctor’s degree in Medicine or a degree in Biology
- have a profound knowledge of English
- have an interest in reproductive health research and have a desire to improve their research skills
In order to apply for the course and be considered by the course organisers, the following documents are required:
- a completed application form which can be obtained at the following site: Application form
- curriculum vitae, including sections on: your current and previous positions; responsibilities in research, teaching and clinical work; the institution in which you work; and a list of publications (if available)
- a certified copy of the diploma in medicine or biology; and additional diplomas
- a letter of motivation stating clearly interests and reasons for applying to the course (one A4 page maximum)
- an official attestation confirming proficiency in the English language
- two letters of reference, preferably one from the candidate's current employer.
- if possible, an introduction by the candidate's Head of Department stating her/his current role and future involvement in the country's National Reproductive Health Programme
All application documents should be sent electronically except copies of diplomas, copy of attestation of English language proficiency and letters of reference, which should be sent by post or by fax. The deadline for receipt of applications is 1 November 2003.
Documents to be dispatched by post/fax should be sent to:
Postgraduate Course in Reproductive Health
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
3, Route de Florissant
CH-1206 Geneva
Fax: +0041.22.346.78.34
Deadline for Receipt of Applications
1 November 2003
There is no tuition fee for the course.
Study Grants
Through contributions from several donor organisations, the course organisers are making available a limited number of study grants, which will be offered to selected students to meet some of the cost of their participation in the course.
Additional Information
The Administrative Office of the Postgraduate Course
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research