Postgraduate Training Course in Reproductive Health/Chronic Disease

Visual inspection with acetic acid as a cervical cancer screening tool for developing countries - M.J.V. Germar

Table 2 : Data from Studies Reviewed (VIA)

  Authors/ Year (Reference) No of women screened Age range Key results (Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV, NPV when available) Reference Standard Comments
1 Megevand et al 1996 (20) 2426 20-83 Sensitivity  of VIA 65% vs 100% for cytology
Specificity 97% vs 89% for cytology
PPV 72.4% vs 88.9% for cytology
Colposcopy with or without a biopsy Cytotechnologist not blinded to study results, limited by lack of information on those patients negative on VIA and cytology
2 Sankaranarayanan et al 1998 (21) 3000 25-70 Sensitivity ratio to cytology= 1.05, p=0.25
Estimated Sensitivity 90% for VIA vs 86% for cytology
Estimated specificity 92% for VIA vs 91% for cytology
PPV 17.0% vs 17.2%
NPV 99% vs 99%
Colposcopy with or without a biopsy Reference test not applied to women who were screening test negative
3 Sankanarayanan et al 1999 (22)  1351 22-70 Sensitivity ratio to cytology= 1.54, p<0.001
Estimated Sensitivity 96% for VIA vs 62% for cytology
Estimated specificity 68% for VIA vs 90% for cytology
PPV 15% vs 25%
NPV 99% vs 97%
Colposcopy with or without a biopsy Reference test not applied to women who were screening test negative
4 University of Zimbabwe/ JHPIEGO 1999 (26) 10934
phase 1-8731
phase 2-2203
25-55 Sensitivity  of VIA 77% vs 44% for cytology
Specificity 64% vs 91% for cytology
PPV 19% vs 33%
NPV 96% vs 94%
Colposcopy with or without a biopsy Phase 1- work up bias,
Phase 2- all women underwent gold standard
5 Denny et al 2000 (23) 2944 35-65 Sensitivity ratio to cytology= 0.85, p=0.16
Estimated Sensitivity 67% for VIA vs 78% for cytology
Estimated specificity 83% for VIA vs 94% for cytology
 PPV 11% vs 27%
NPV 99% vs 99%
Colposcopy with or without a biopsy Reference standard not applied to the women who were screening test negative
6 Cronje et al2000 (27) 6301 Ave age 34.4 Sensitivity 49.4% for VIA vs 19.3% for cytology specificity 48.5% for VIA vs 99.3% for cytology
PPV 18.9% vs 86.8%
NPV 99% vs 97%
Colposcopy with biopsy Reference standard done on all women
7 Belinson , Quia et al 2001 (28) 1997 35-45 Sensitivity 71 for VIA % vs 77% for cytology
Specificity 74%  vs 98% for cytology
PPV 11% vs 61% for cytology
NPV 98% vs 98% for cytology 
Colposcopy with biopsy Reference standard done on all women
Result may not be reproducible VIA performed by Gynaecologic Oncologists
8 Ngelangel et al 2001 (29) 13,710 20-65 Estimated Sensitivity 50.3% for VIA vs 8.5% for cytology
Estimated specificity 94.1% for VIA vs 97.3% for cytology 
Colposcopy with or without a biopsy Reference standard used was colposcopy not applied to the women who were screening test negative 
9 Denny et al 2002 (24) 2754 35-65 Sensitivity 69.8% for VIA vs 57.4% for cytology
specificity 79.3 % for VIA vs 96.3% for cytology
PPV 12.9% vs 34.5%
NPV 96.3% vs 95.8%
Colposcopy with or without a biopsy Reference standard not applied to the women who were screening test negative